Last terms learning in nursery

Last term was a very busy term for all our boys and girls. Some of the activities the children were involved in are;

mark making in the shaving foam

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Looking for insects/minibeasts

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Fun in the rain, splashing in puddles!!

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Exploring the mud kitchen


Learning about the importance of hand washing and teeth brushing

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Creating and exploring the dinosaur den and land



We were also learning all about ourselves, measuring/comparing heights, looking at baby pictures, discussing what we did as babies and what we can do now, hand/feet prints, mind maps etc. Feel free to look at these displays all around the nursery.






Welcome Back


Welcome back to Law Nursery. It is lovely to see our returning children and meeting our new children starting over the last few weeks.

On Friday 24th we welcomed back our boys and girls who started school. It was wonderful to see you all and we were so impressed as you all looked so smart in your school uniforms. You all looked fabulous!!!

I will be posting more blog updates over the coming nursery year. Please feel free to add any comment or suggestion to our blog. We love to hear from our nursery families.

Moth Cocoon/chrysalis

We are very lucky in our nursery to have a moth chrysalis donated by Freyja’s dad to observe until it hatches.

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It is called a cutworm (moth) chrysalis.

 This is a photograph of a cutworm moth.

The Big Toddle

On Wednesday  the nursery boys and girls took part in The Big Toddle to raise money for Barnardos charity. We had to walk around the nursery perimeter 3 times. The boys and girls were fantastic. Once we finished our Toddle we had a picnic outside.

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Some of our family joined us on our walk. Thank you to those who could make it. So far we have raised £770. Well Done everyone!!!!!


The nursery children were very excited on Monday morning to see that our caterpillars had changed in butterflies. Once hatched , they need nectar or a sugary solution to drink from. Nectar can be given by offering fresh flowers or for our butterflies we placed sliced oranges and added a sugar solution. It is easier to supply a sugary solution to feed the butterflies. We dissolved sugar in water then mixed this solution well and refresh it every day.


As we don’t have many flowers in the surrounding area of our nursery Ms Connor and Mrs Smith took the butterflies home to release them in their gardens.

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Caterpillar in cocoons

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On Friday the caterpillars were getting ready to start spinning their cocoon. We know this because the attached themselves to the top of their container. ( In their natural habitat they would attach themselves to the underside of leaves). When we came back to the nursery on Monday most of the caterpillars were inside their cocoons.DSCF3186 DSCF3188 DSCF3188 DSCF3189 DSCF3190DSCF3191

Ms Connor had to transfer all the caterpillars into a net basket so they would have space for when they hatched out as butterflies. If you click on the video link you can see a short film about a butterfly’s lifecycle.


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Some of our nursery boys and girls were helping Ms Connor to rehome 33 teeny, tiny caterpillars. First we had to put their special food into a small pot, then very carefully take the caterpillar out of its container and place it into its own pot. We had to do this 33 times!! We will be observing the caterpillars over the next month to see how much they grow and change. We will keep you posted.

We also have our tadpoles in Room C. We keep checking them everyday to see if any have started growing their back legs as this is the next stage in their development.

We would love to read your thoughts and comments.


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Also this week we have been investigation minibeasts, discussing their habitats, characteristic and ways to attract more into our nursery garden. So far we managed to find and identify spiders, slaters, slugs, worms and ants. We made some bug hotels using cardboard tubes (very kindly donated by Mackenzie’s dad) and lots of sticks and bark. We will be continuing our investigations over the next few weeks.

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