Planning and Building a Model

We have been extending our knowledge and understanding of planning and building models at the Art Area. We started by either drawing a plan of our model or gathering all the resources we would like to use to build a model.
We discussed all the different parts to our model. Next we had to decide which resources would be best to use for our planned model.  We could choose items such as boxes, cardboard tubes, yogurt pots, buttons, lolli-sticks, small sticks, pom-poms, coloured shapes, googly eyes, paper etc.

Once we gathered all the resources we thought we would need we looked at our plans to decide where to start building our model. We could add to the resources and adapt our plans as needed.

We had to compare our models and plans throughout the process to make sure they looked the same.

Lucie's model-dinosaur 

Model building is good for hand eye coordination, fine motor skills – using skills like cutting with scissors, gluing and painting – and of course for developing the imagination. Their creations have the potential to become anything they wish!

The skills the children are developing and extending are:

Communication Language and Literacy
Their vocabulary is extended with new experiences, language development can be facilitated through interaction, planning process and communication and literacy will be encouraged through making marks and develop handwriting skills.

Personal Social and Emotional Development
by the opportunities to develop creativity without pressure of making an end product. This increases children’s well-being and self-esteem.

Creative Development
by providing opportunities to explore a range of media and materials.

Problem Solving, Numeracy and Reasoning
by providing opportunities for children to explore space and shape.  They can explore patterns, compare and measure. They can decide what materials work best together, how best to stick materials e.g. glue, glue sticks, sellotape etc.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World
by opportunities to explore and investigate such as showing curiosity in the materials.

Physical Development
by encouraging the children to become aware of movement and space. This activity encourages both gross and fine motor skills as well hand-eye co-ordination

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