LAW ADVERTURE- Orange, Yellow, Green and Red Am Groups


Our the next few weeks all the nursery boys and girls will have a turn visiting The Law. We will be having snack first, then heading off to explore a forest area.

So far the Orange, Yellow, Green and Red AM children have been to The Law forest to explore this space. We found trees to climb, to swing on, lots of pine cones to collect and make faces with. We are learning all about managing risks for ourselves and how to build resilience.

First-hand learning experience-To increase the use of the outdoors for learning – discovering, exploring and connecting to the natural world.

Learning for sustainability-To increase opportunities to learn outdoors about the natural world and how it links to social and economic factors locally, nationally and globally.

Knowledge, skills and understanding of outdoor environments-To increase opportunities for adults to develop pedagogical skills for use in a range of outdoor environments to encourage depth, breadth and progression in learning.

Health and wellbeing-To increase understanding of the positive impacts of learning outdoors on health and wellbeing.

Benefits that arise from spending time in the natural environment.

key ways in which exposure to the natural environment is beneficial to human health:

  • enhanced personal and social communication skills
  • increased physical health
  • enhanced mental and spiritual health
  • enhanced spiritual, sensory, and aesthetic awareness
  • the ability to assert personal control and increased sensitivity to one’s own well-being
  • develop self esteem, take personal responsibility, co-operate with and respect the needs of others;
  • extend their personal horizons through greater appreciation and understanding of the world and its peoples around them;
  • understand the need for sustainable relationships between people and their environment;
  • enhance practical problem solving and team work skills.
  • promote a positive and knowledgeable response towards personal health and well being.

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