Campfires and bird watching

As it is bonfire night on Thursday we decided to make our own bonfire. When children spend time connecting with nature, getting dirty, building fires they are learning important lessons for life and gaining a strong sense of safety outdoors. The nursery boys and girls went out in groups with Ms Connor and Miss Percival to learn all about campfires and fire safety.  They now have a clearer understanding of the risks associated with fire, they have knowledge of what to use such as kindling and sticks and when to add more wood to make a good fire to cook on. We cooked popcorn on our fire it was yummy!!!

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Some of the boys and girls helped Miss Percival create a bird hide to do a spot of “twitching”. We used our binoculars to try and spot some birds but because of the foggy, damp weather there weren’t many birds around.

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Halloween Fun

On Friday the nursery boys and girls had fabulous fun celebrating Halloween.

We scooped out and cut out faces in the pumpkins:

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We made cat and bat handprints, ghosts, pumpkin, bats and witches prints at art.

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Sang Halloween songs and played Halloween ring games at group times.

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Made spooky potions in the outdoor kitchen

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Played hunt the pumpkin outside


We had bones dipped in blood for snack (bread dipped in tomato soup)

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Pick out the bugs from the slime!


Played Halloween ‘Sticky Kids’ games

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