

Yesterday we made campfires with Ms Connor. First we talked about how to stay safe and discussed what campfire rules we had to follow. (We are learning how to manage risks independently). Next we lit our fire using firelights, sticks and a match. The we cooked popcorn. Ms Connor let us see what the popcorn looked like before it was cooked. When it was cooked we all had some to try. Most of us thought it tasted yummy!!! We can’t wait to do this again


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The nursery boys and girls helped create a bug hotel outside today. We had to gather lots of sticks (different lengths and thickness) leaves, seeds, branches etc. We worked together with Ms Connor to create a place that we hope lots of insects and bugs will love to come and stay.

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Last week the orange group were in charge of deciding what to have for snack and making snack for everyone. Some of the food we was; tuna and cheese sandwiches, cheese pizzas, tuna and cheese wraps.

We had to wash our hands first, then prepare all the ingredients.


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Body Percussion

Over the last few week as part of BBC 10 pieces we have been listening to Anna Meredith’s music. She makes music using body percussion. We’ve been making music too by clapping, stamping, clicking and shouting. We watched an orchestra play some of Anna music. Here is a link to another of her pieces. Our sparkle words were a capella (music without instruments), title, audience, body percussion and composer.