We are currently reading “Supertato” in nursery as part of our Literacy programme ABC and Beyond. This story is about an “evil” pea who escapes from the freezer one night and is mean to lots of vegetables. He is finally stopped by “Supertato” -a superhero potato. The children have been very busy exploring different activities relating to this story, Vegetable printing at art, setting up a supermarket for roleplay, threading/counting vegetables/fruit, trying different vegetables at snack, going on a pea hunt in the sand tray, catching all the peas, carrots and potatoes in the water tray, learned songs/rhymes and action songs, making models at playdough etc. Each group has also been discussing, explaining, re-inforcing and extending the children knowledge and understanding of the sparkle words: icy, rescue, super & distress during group times. Some of the children made models of “Supertato”.
Love the Supertato models. They are fab.