Outdoor Learning Numeracy

This week the boys and girls have been busy outside extending the knowledge and understanding of numbers.
There are some general benefits from taking learning outside within and across curriculum areas:

• connections are made experientially with the real world outside the classroom, helping

to develop skills, knowledge and understanding in a meaningful context

• outdoor environments and surroundings act as a rich stimulus for creative thinking and

learning. This affords opportunities for challenge, enquiry, critical thinking and reflection

• children and young people find that not everything outside matches the models

or the textbooks. This does not mean that what they have found is ‘wrong’. Instead,

it develops awareness of the complexities of the real world and can help to develop

critical thinking skills

• children and young people are able to understand the relevance of a subject taught

in school to everyday life

• children and young people can sometimes behave differently outdoors. Quiet pupils

may speak more, others become calmer and more focused when outside, especially

in a natural space

• the multi-sensory experience outdoors helps children and young people to retain

knowledge more effectively. There are opportunities for pupils to learn with their

whole bodies on a large scale

• learning in a less structured environment can provide a different learning experience

from that of the classroom

• being outdoors can be a more relaxing learning experience for many learners


finding something tiny                                  find me something bigger                                                   find something huge


can you find something to match?                                                                                                  


how far can you jump?

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