Parent contact Sessions

Next week there will be opportunities to view your child’s portfolios and chat to each groups key worker. Also parents can stay and play on that day too.

RED GROUP Monday-24/11/14

YELLOW GROUP Tuesday 25/11/14

ORANGE GROUP Wednesday 26/11/14

GREEN GROUP Thursday27/11/14

BLUE GROUP Friday 28/11/14

Parent contact sessions and stay and play time are between 8:30-10:00am and 2:30-4:30pm.

Also we would like to invited parents to come along to read stories, share stories with their child or other nursery children. We hope to run this activity the week beginning 1/12/14. Please let us know if this would be something you would like to do. If you require anymore information please ask any member of staff.

Managing Risk

Children and young people themselves recognise that you “can’t make everything safe” and that a is balance between risk and fun. Children recognise that and how to manage them is an essential part of growing up….. Through play children are able to learn about risks and use their own initiative. If children and young people are not allowed to explore and learn through playing and talking part in positive play activities, they will not learn how to judge risks and manage them for themselves. These skills learnt through play and other activities can act as a powerful form of prevention in other situations where children and young people are at risk.
Over the next few weeks the children will be looking at different areas in the nursery and assessing different risks. We will be discussing what is a risk, why there is a risk and how to keep safe. These risk assessment will be added to an on-going wall display which parent are welcome to view in Room D.

Please add any thoughts or comment below.