The boys and girls have had lots of fun dressing up as wild animals in the nursery in the role play area, playing the game two by two and playing with the jungle animals.
The blue group were busy in art last week using animal print tissue paper to make collage and learning how to tear paper. They used paper plates to make animal faces and explored the different patterns, strips, spots etc.
The Orange group continued the theme of animals and patterns. We made lots of different wild animals at art to use for a wall display. We drew the outline and used either paint or animal pattern tissue paper to finish our choice of animal.
Next with help from Mrs Head we covered big pieces of paper with green and brown paint to make grass, leaves and trees.
We put everything together to make a wall display.
We also made triangle stripy tigers. We drew a triangle shape on orange paper, used an orange colour wash over the paper and add eyes, nose, mouth and strips using either pencils, crayons or pastels.
The Orange Group has also been exploring patterns during group time. We looked and adult animal patterns and tried to match them with their babies. The boys and girls were very good at describing each animal.
We had to sort out Ms Connor washing too as she washed all her socks and needed us to help match the patterns together to make a pair.