We’re All Set

The team from St John’s RC High School and St Paul’s RC Academy will leave Glasgow on Sunday 16th June at 2.15pm and  we will arrive in Tiruchirappalli on Monday 17th June. We will update the blog as often as we can. Please feel free to leave your comments on any of our posts. We look forward to reading your posts!

3 thoughts on “We’re All Set”

  1. Hope you have a wonderful flight and enjoy your time with our Indian friends.
    God bless

  2. My best wishes to the students and staff from St. John’s and St. Paul’s who are travelling to India tomorrow. I have met a number of Brothers from India and Sri Lanka and your contact and support means a great deal to them. I am sure it will be a wonderful experience for you – full of exciting, unexpected, confusing, amusing, uplifting, heart-warming and, at times, perplexing, experiences. You will have an impact on the lives of others and your own view of the world will change. I look forward to hearing about your visit when you return.

    Thanks for all you have done – and will do – to help the Brothers and the people with whom they work,

    Brother Brendan,

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