India 2013

Welcome to our India 2013 blog!  It has been really great to be reminded about the adventures of the 2012 expedition.  We will be setting off on our own adventure on Sunday 16 June 2013 so keep checking in so that you can share our experiences!

3 thoughts on “India 2013”

  1. Bernie: Head Boy – Callum White Head Girl -Jodie Donegan
    Deputes: Rachel Campbell, Alistair Battles, Owen Smith, Michael Sanderson.
    Any pictures you could e-mail? As well as your blog and John’s notices, I am putting out a more detailed daily report for staff.

  2. Great to see how involved you are with the kids. Not so sure about the Dundee singing legacy!

    Really looking forward to hearing all about your visits to PU, Mangamanuthu, St. Marcellin’s, the Rainbow Project. Think you will all sleep for a week when you get back.

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