Heading Home

It is 11.40 pm here, the young people are in bed and we are about to go too. We have had the most wonderful experience here in India with the Marist Brothers. We will be setting off for the airport at 6.30 am tomorrow and are looking forward to seeing everyone back home. “Marist Hope” you have a huge task which I am sure you will take in you stride.

Take care
Wendy, Charlotte, Olivia, Jennifer, Adam and Arifur

3 thoughts on “Heading Home”

  1. Well done everyone. We have all enjoyed sharing your experiences. Looking forward to hearing more when you get back. Have a safe journey home.

  2. You can’t say you lead boring lives! Not only that, but you’ve been doing some good, too. Praying that you all have a safe journey home. Look forward to seeing you on Wednesday Charlotte, & hopefully, you soon too, Wendy. xx

  3. Safe journey home everyone. Looking forward to hearing all about your time in India when you return.

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