Designer Pizza

Pizza is the perfect convenience food – they have a dough base with a selection of vegetable  and/or meat layers, topped with cheese. They can be a balanced diet all in one.

So often people buy ready made pizzas but they are infact easy and fun to make in your kitchen at home.

We decided to make pizza to show the children how easy they are to make and to show that they can be personalised so that many of your favourite ingredients can be included as toppings.

At a different level Tracy, our school cook, demonstrated how a wide range of ‘not so popular but very healthy’  ingredients can be incorporated into the base or tomato paste without the consumer being none the wiser. Slightly sneaky but very effective – especially when the children admitted the taste was great!

 A dough base made from a mix of white and wholemeal flour is spread with a thin layer of tomato paste. The tomatoes can be pureed with other vegetables including onions, courgettes, peppers to name but a few.      

Then selected sliced vegetables and meats, if desired, are placed ontop of the base. 

Finally grated cheese is liberally sprinkled on top. Once again you can use a mix of you favourite cheeses. 

Place in a hot oven and cook until the cheese is melted and the base is cooked (about 15 – 20 mins).

Eat and enjoy!!

What are your favourite toppings for a pizza?



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