The Olympic Influence in Our School Community

Following a very successful Olympics for Team GB it has been interesting to find out how the children have been influenced by such a huge sports event.

From watching the build up and events on TV to trying out new sports and joining clubs in the local community, our children have shared their views.

The Early Years Class talked about the Olympics.

I liked the swimming.      Rhys McC

I was jumping on the trampoline. I saw it in the Olympics.     Rhys McC

CBeebies went to the Olympics.     Abdul

I made an Olympic torch and I walked with it. I did sommersaults and went swimming with my mummy.     Eve McK

I saw them swimming and jumping off diving boards.     Tianna

I liked it when they went head first into the water.     Clara

I liked the fast walking race.

They were balancing and doing gymnastics.    Kyle

In some of the older classes a simple survey was carried out to see how many of the school community had watched the Olympics. Below are the questions asked and the results given by the children. Each class worked out the percentages so that they could be compared to other classes.


  1.      Did you watch or take part in the build up to the Olympics? 
  2.      Did you watch the opening ceremony on TV? 
  3.      Did you watch any of the Olympic sports on TV? 
  4.      Were you interested in the medal table?
  5.     What sports did you watch for the first time?

Questionnaire Results

1.      Did you watch or take part in the build up to the Olympics? 

  P5/4 P6 P7S P7B
Television 76% 72% 92% 90%
Baxter Park  84% 88% 88% 85%
School 96% 100% 100% 100%


2.     Did you watch the opening ceremony on TV?

72% 80% 88% 95%


3.      Did you watch any of the Olympic sports on TV

92% 92% 100% 100%


4.     Were you interested in the medal table?

56% 88% 36% 85%


5.     What sports did you watch for the first time?

Diving                        Boxing                   Fencing

Swimming             Football                  Cycling

Water polo            Horse riding        Basketball 

Hockey                    Shooting                 Athletics              

Judo                          Gymnastics          Badminton

BMX                          Pentathlon

Synchronized swimming and diving

Beach volleyball  Handball             Archery              

Rowing                Trampoline             Weightlifting      

Walking               Canoes



 Primary 7 Views

I think the Olympics is enjoyable. It inspires people everywhere including disabled, kids, adults and old fogys ……. Me and my gran couldn’t get enough of it.     Rebecca

…… some kids and teenagers actually put down their computers and consoles to watch the Olympics during the summer.     Aarron

Some people may or may not have enjoyed the Olympics but one things for sure; they had an influence. It has had a big influence in my family. My older brother does karate and boxing, I’m trying out volleyball, my younger brother is practicing running. Even though it may have been a waste of money in my opinion, it has taught us to be confident and try new things.     Hagar

….. I go to swimming lessons and I have learned lots of different strokes.     Holly

The Olympics have inspired me to join a cycling club and try basketball. In the cycling club you can do mountain and road biking.     Ben

I think it gets you very excited . I really enjoyed the diving. Me and my friend watched the diving and had a go. We did it and went higher and higher on the boards!     Brandon

I have enjoyed watching the sychronized diving. It has inspired me to do more aquatic sports …… It has also inspired me to go bike riding every other day.     Shannon

When I watched the Olympics horse riding it made me want to go and see my pony and now I want to do that when I’m older. I want to be in the Olympics for horse riding.     Nadia

I watched basketball and it made me join basketball at the Disc.     Nicole

….. it made me want to start running more. I didn’t think it was fair that in the team GB football that there was only English and Welsh football players and no Scottish or Irish.     Connor

One of the things I thought was good about the Olympics was that the sportsmanship was really applauded. I thought Great Britain did really well in the medal table….. getting three medals in 20 minutes was magnificent.     Robert

The Olympics has influenced me to try harder to pace myself for a long distance run because before I would try to sprint for say, the first 200m but then I would get tired and out of breath. Now I can pace my body to the right speed. Just like Mo Farrah running a long distance run and winning 2 gold medals in 2 races.     Ryan

I’m happy they came to this country. I like doing the BMXing, Mrs Shilton thinks I’m crazy!      Jordon

After watching the Olympics and seeing people throwing the javlin I picked up a stick, shaved it and started to throw it.     Daniel

Thankyou to all the children who have contributed to this page.