
At Dens Road Primary School, we are well known for the generosity of parents, pupils and staff. Over the years we have made thousands of pounds in fundraising, not only to go back into school funds but also to help numerous charities and countries after natural disasters.
Law Hill Walk
In 2006 the whole school to part in a sponsored walk up the Law Hill. This was done to raise money for Cash For Kids. One of our parents – Alison Carr – works for Cash for Kids and her son (an ex pupil) has had a lot of support from the charity over the years. She was climbing Mount Everest in a bid to raise money for the charity and we helped show our support by climbing the Hill . We managed to raise a lot of money for the charity.
Sponsored Beach Walk
In 2009, the whole school – including Nursery – took part in a sponsored walk along Broughty Ferry Beach. This again was done in line with Alison Carr. She was walking the Sahara Desert to raise money for Cash for Kids, so we supported her in reaching her target by walking our own Sahara at the same time. It was a fun event for all and we managed to raise £2857 for the charity.
Red Nose Day
We regularly celebrate Red Nose Day and we usually have a day of fun. Children are allowed to dress as they please but based on the motto RND impose that year. Our tuck shop will only sell items that are Red or Pink. All children are invited to play a game of Bingo and the afternoon is topped off by a Talent Show. In 2011 our Red-nose wearing children and staff raised £320.
Christmas Fayre
In December 2010, we had our first School Christmas FAyre. All classes from Nursery to P7 made a variety of Xmas Crafts which were sold to parents, friends and families of Dens Road. We were proud of our efforts as we made £764 profit.
Mary’s Meals
Through a variety of fundraising events, part of the money was kept aside and sent to Mary’s Meals – a charity which aims to build a school in Haiti after the recent disaster there We happily sent a cheque for £500.
In 2011 we participated in the national Non-Uniform day in aid of funds for Unicef. We also had a tuck shop and in total, we raised £360.
Stretch a Tenner
All classes were given £10 by Mrs McDonald and were given the challenge to make it expand. Children and teachers held discussions to decide the best way they feel their class could make more money. This saw the nursery staff and children selling pancakes. The P1s, P2a1 and P2/3 classes held a coffee afternoon with raffle prizes and a treasure hunt. The children in P3a1, P4/5 and P5/6 held gaming afternoons and competitions whilst P4a1 decided their money would be stretched by selling juice at playtime. P6a1 sold a variety of items as did our Primary 7 children. In total, we made £562 – a profit of £442 pounds.
Children’s Ward
In December 2010, we donated £50 to Dundee Children’s Ward. This money was raised through the generosity of visitors at our Christmas Church Collection. This followed a request from a parent whose child had received tremendous care from the staff in the ward and wanted to give something back to them.
Royal Street Meet
In April 2011, to mark the Royal wedding, we held a Street Meet in our playground. It was a glorious day and we were fortunate the sun brought the crowds. Visitors were greeted with strawberries and cream – donated by Tesco – and washed these down with a Royal Punch. There were a lot of old fashioned Garden Party stalls to enjoy – Tombola, face painting, Tin Can Alley – as well as prizes for the best dressed King and Queen. We raised a whopping £698 to help towards school funds.

Sponsored Sing
At Dens Road one of our biggest talents is singing. In June 2011, we decided to put this talent to good use and held a Sponsored Sing. All children in the school learned 10 different songs and performed them one after the other. A great afternoon was had by all and we raised £1328 for school funds.
Macmillan Cancer Support
In September 2011, we joined in the quest to hold the worlds biggest coffee morning in aid of MacMillan Cancer Support. £264 was raised and started off our year of fundraising.

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