In the Classes
This week we have had a Scottish Week. All our learning has been through lots of things to do with Scotland.
We used the Active Expressions to show our teachers what we know about Scotland. We had to remember what the Scottish flag looked like and Nessie!

On Thursday afternoon we had Highland Games when we played Hurl the Haggis, Leap the Burn, Pass the Hat, Flip the Claymore and many more! We all watched and some of our classmates were part of the team. We had a great time as we had to cheer on our House.

In the Active Learning Zone
We have been continuing to learn about old toys and new toys. We have been having a great time and getting active on the PS2 playing with the eye toy and eye toy sports. We play Football Fever in pairs.
We have been learning about materials in different toys and fabrics. Click on the link to our movie with all the photographs we took with the microscope.