This week we had our Golidlocks and the Three Bears assembly. We were all very nervous. We had practised lots of times to say our words and learn lots of songs that helped us tell the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We had three narrators, Golidlocks, Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear, Baby Bear and Golidlocks mum. We all made special ears so we all looked like bears andwe had black noses painted on us with face paint.
We all did a great job. We remembered our lines we had to say and we sang beautifully. Miss Davies, Mrs Mackay, Ms Lowden and Mrs Munro were very proud of us. Lots of mums and dads and grans and grandads came to see us. They all gave us a great big clap at the end. Then they stayed for a drink and a biscuit. We all got to see Andrews new baby too. Mrs McDonald told us that we were all nearly in Primary 2 already because we looked so big and grown up.
In P1a1 this week they have had another two new arrivals!
Stone and Rainbow arrived this week so we now have four fish in our tank. We thought the other two were really lonely in such a big tank so it’s great to have lots of friends.
In Primary 1 we have been learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears in class. In the Active Learning Zone with Mrs Munro we have been using Yogi Bear to help us learn.
The Active Learning Zone has a Wii (from Mrs Munro’s house) and we have been using the Yogi Bear game from the recent film to help us learn in lots of different ways. The area was set up with comfy camping chairs and netting to make it look like a forest.
We were introduced to the game and we decided on rules when using the Wii. This is a one player game but we are allowed two people on it at a time. Only one person holds the Wii remotre. We take turns when playing it. We have to help each other. Collect cherry pies and watch out for porcupines. Our name was scored off on the list once we had a turn. But once everyone had a go then Mrs Munro cleaned off the name list and then we were allowed an0ther turn.
We were able to practise writing about Yogi bear at the writing table. The writing table was beside the Wii area so it was easy for us to go and write about Yogi after we had a turn. We wrote the names of the things we saw in the game and spoke to each other about it. We used the Yogi Bear writing card to help us with the words. There was paper with Yogi Bear drawings too that we could use.
We also liked to draw pictures and asked mrs Munro to display our work on the wall.
After a little while we were given a Yogi Bear book to write or draw our ideas and thoughts about Yogi Bear. What he did in the game and how we helped our friends. After we had a turn we would go with our partner and write or draw in the book together. This is some of our writing. This writing was written with very little or no support from an adult.
We have loved using Yogi Bear to help us learn. What will be our next game? Wait and see!
This week we have been busy making sock puppets.Mrs Munro brought in a sock puppet Hugh made at his art class and we decided we would love to make a sock puppet too. We had to stuff a sock with lots of stuffing and put elastic bands on it for his arms and legs. We had to colour him in using pens. We still have to finish them off but we think they are looking really cute.
In the classrooms we have been using our cameras and flipcams to take photos and videos of our learning. In P1a2 we have a special silver hat we were when it is our turning to record the learning that is taking place in the classroom.
In maths we have been adding. Some groups have been adding two numbers together and some have been adding three numbers together. We like using the dice to help us add.
We have been learning Goldilocks and the three bears songs at school too.
Look out for our Target and achievement sheets that will be coming home soon. We have been talking with our teachers about the things we are good at and the things we need to try harder with.
Next week P1a2 have a film crew coming to visit. We have been watching Talkie Time from BBC Learning Zone in class. The film crew are coming to film us while we watch new Talkie Time films to see if the stories are good. Have a look at Rod here. We love him. He is really funny. We thought it was just like Skype or Glow Meet.
A huge thank you to all the people who have commented on our blog!
This week has been a busy week in P1. We have been continuing with our learning through Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have had lots of story books all about Goldilocks and some of them tell the story in a different way.
We have lots of books about Goldilocks and the Three Bears
One of our favourite books has been “A Chair for Baby Bear”. This book is all about what happens after Goldilocks leaves the cottage and Baby bear has a broken chair. Baby bear must decide on a new chair for himself. We designed a chair for baby bear. Here are some of our designs.
A car chair by Steven
A rocket chair by Callum
A dragon chair by Amy
A spaceship chair by Asir
A t-rex chair by Ross
A snake chair by Javeria
This story made us think that Goldilocks was sorry for going into the bears cottage so we decided to write a letter to the bears from Goldilocks. We have just started with our letter so here is some of our writing.
In ICT this week we used Glow Meet for the first time. Glow meet is very special as you can talk to people and share things across Scotland. P1a1 sat in their classroom and P1a2 sat in their classroom. We went into Glow and went onto glow meet. We were able to send messages to our friends in the class next door and draw pictures for them. Then we turned on our camera and we were able to see the class next door and hear them. We all took turns of talking to one of our friends and asking them a question. We thought it was very funny.
Then we thought about how to stay safe on the internet. We talked about the internet being a placed that joined up computers all over the world and that is how everyone can see our blog! Here is the link to the movie we watched to help us think about staying safe online.
This week we have began looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We are going to be doing a lot of our learning through bears and Goldilocks. First we had to listen to the story and we had to plan what we wanted to have in our home corner. We drew pictures and wrote down all the things we heard in the story that we would need.
Then we had to cut out pictures from the story and put them into order. We had to try and sound out the words to help us decided where our pictures would go.
We can practise putting the story in the correct order.
As part of our homework we had to draw the favourite part of the story.
Baby bear says "someone is in bed".
In the class we have a sorting activity where we have to read the words and organise the pictures.
Goldilocks sorting activity
At the writing table we have lots of different sheets to help us write about our topic.
Goldilocks is bad and cheeky.
In the class we are also starting one of our favourite activities. We have to Write the Room by going round the room and finding all the Goldilocks and the Three Bears words that are hidden.
Write the Room activity with our special pointing finger.
In the Active Learning Zone we are also learning about bears and Goldilocks. We have puppets at the puppet theatre, a Goldilocks mat and a beautiful Goldilocks at the BeeBot. We also have a bear interest table and bear number games to play on the computer to help us with our numbers ( ).
Bears interest table.
We also have a Wii now and are learning how to play Yogi Bear. We have to share with our friend and help each other when we get stuck.
Yogi Bear is on the Wii and we are ready to learn.
We also have a Jellystone Park. Here we have to share with our friends and think about the kind of healthy food we would put in our picnic basket.
Jellystone Park
At the library area we have a Goldilocks book and Mrs Munro has recorded the story of Goldilocks onto the MP3 player. We can sit here and listen to the story.
Goldilocks on the MP3 player.
Lastly we have our new Teddy Toy Shop. Here we are learning to recognise coins. We also have to remember to take turns so everyone can have a turn at being the shop keeper. We all like to be the shop keeper. We have lots of teddies for sale and have to remember to put the bar codes on our teddies before we put them on the shelf for sale.
Teddy Toy Shop
Please leave a comment about our learning this week as we love to hear what you think.