Tag Archives: Oxford Reading Tree

There’s something in the water and it’s big and snappy! …and the Active Learning Zone is rib ticklingly good too!

In the Active Learning Zone we have been listening to the Funnybones story. We have been talking about it being nearly Halloween. Funnybones, big skeleton, little skeleton and dog skeleton live in a dark, dark cellar. Our role play is now a dark, dark, cellar! We have torches in there too just in case it’s too dark.

At the iPad we have been listening to the Dem Bones song. We have to click on the different shaped bones to help sing the song. We have been trying to remember what some of our bones are called. Lots of us know our skull and we know that the skull protects our brain.

At the puzzle table we have been trying to put the skeletons back together again. In the story the dog skeleton falls into a pile of bones. The other skeletons have to put him back together again but they keep getting it wrong. Corey put our skeletons back together again and did a super job!

At the making table we have been using black paper and white chalk to see if we can draw the skeleton. We used the book to help us.

This term we are still thinking about all the things we need to help us learn. Last term we looked at being Successful Learners.

This term we are looking at what helps us be Confident Individuals. The first ones we have looked at are….

‘I like being with others’

I like playing with my friends in the playground.

I go to dancing with other people.

I like being with my family at home.

‘I am active’

I like playing boxing.

I play Tig.

I run about in the playground and get hot.

In class this week we have been learning all about the days of the week. We played lots of games on the white board and practised putting the days of the week in order. We worked out that they are just like a circle because they go around and around. Next, we got a sheet with all the days of the week written on them. We had to colour them in and then cut them out so that we could make a paper chain with them. We all had to think very carefullyto put the days of the week in the correct order and then we hung them up across our classroom.


We have also been revising our numbers. We focused on sequencing numbers 0 to 10 as well as ‘before’ and ‘after’ numbers. We are getting really good at working the answers out and some of us even managed to do the before and after numbers up to 25! During choice time some of us have been using the promethan board and Education City (remember you may have access to this at home). Carys and Maddison had lots of fun working as a team to  play the sequencing game.

Our new topic is the stories of Roald Dahl. He is an authour and he used to fly planes. He is called Roald because his mummy and daddy mispelt his name when they filled out his baby forms- we all thought this was quite funny but we liked his name. The first story which we are learning all about is The Enormous Crocodile. It is all about a crocodile who is ENORMOUS and very mean and greedy. His favourite food is children and the story is all about him trying to use his clever tricks and secret plan to catch some to eat but along the way he is very unkind to his friends but they all get there own back. It tooks us all week to read this book but we ALL loved it and it made us laugh out loud.

Once we had read it we thought that we should learn more about it so we decided to make a plan. We talked about it and we decided to use different colours of pens to show different information. The Green pen is what we wrote all the characters names down with (we chose green because the crocodile is green). Next we wrote down what we had learnt about all the characters (we did this in red because some of us said that if he eats someone there would be red blood). Then we wrote down what we knew about were they lived (we wrote this in dark blue) and then we said that we would put what we wanted to do around our room to help us learn more about the story (Wren suggested we do it in light blue because our classroom is light blue and thats how we know it was for our room activities). Lastly, we wrote done some questions we had in orange. These are things which we have wondered about as we read the story. Our teacher was really impressed with all our ideas and said that some of the words we were using were super too. She heard words like; discover, experiment, create and design! We can’t wait to get started on these next week.

If you want to listen to the story at home here are two links to you tube where you can listen to Stephen Fry tell the story. Its quite long so ling one is the first part and the second link is part two- remember is an audio book so there is no moving pictures just a voice but it is very good.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3dA2goH08g  (part one)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqhRHM0vVEA&feature=relmfu  (part two)

Lastly, we have all gotten our first reading books for the term. We have been getting very good at sounding out words so to extend what we have been learning we have been working on a piece of writing to accompany our new book. We worked hard to write our some key words from the story or title and to draw a picture from the reading book. It was quite tricky and whilst most of us were good at sounding out the words to write or to help find them in the book we are going to work on remembering to put a space inbetween the words when we write them.


Week Starting 29th October 2012

  • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please).
  • We will send homework out on a Thursday. Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. Mrs Mackay will collect in the weeks work on Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of  3 each week. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
  • Gym is on a Monday and Thursday. Please remember long hair will need to be tied back and no jewellery. This means all earrings must be removed.
  • ICT is on Wednesday afternoons.

Our project is ……. Roald Dahl Stories. We are looking at the story of the Enormous Crocodile this week.

This week we will be learning ;

  • Jolly Phonics sounds v and y
  • Measuring

We read a story and everyone fell asleep for 100 years!

This has been our first full week of part time P1 and we are all feeling pretty tired but not as tired as Sleeping Beauty! This week  we started our new topic of Sleeping Beauty. We read three stories and they all had the same title of Sleeping Beauty on the the cover but we noticed that the illustrator was different on each one and the story was a little different too. We discovered that the first story had a forest grow up around the castle, the next story had thorny bushes grow up all around the castle and the third story was very special because even though its title was  Sleeping Beauty, it had Biff, Chip, Kipper, their Dad and their friend Wilma in it! We had to put our ‘thinking hats’ on  and talked with our teachers about the similarities and differences- they were very impressed with us!


We are still counting our days at school every morning and some of us are getting very good at talking about the numbers that are before and after the number we are putting up. We were amazed to see that wewhen we counted our number on Friday morning we had been at school for 9 days! We checked it against our rabbit number line ( they bring us a carrot for every day we are at school) and it was right!! We are also getting very good at moving the hand on our classroom clock to show what activities we are working on. We like looking at it in the morning when we come in because it helps us to know what we are doing and we can talk about the exciting things we will be doing. Our teacher, Mrs Mackay, says it is helping us learn about time too even though there are no numbers on the clock but we are sure that we will find out more about that soon.


Ms Gauld. our Healthy Eating Assistant, came to visit our class this week. She told us how to wash our hands properly to stay healthy. We were very good at listening to her and giving her ideas of when and why we should we wash our hands. We decided that there were five times we must wash our hands;

  1. After we go to the toilet.
  2. Before we eat anything.
  3. After we have touched an animal, even our pets.
  4. After we cough or sneeze.
  5. After we have been playing outside.

After we made our list Ms Gauld introduced us to Handy. He was a Hand Washing Helper and he told us if our list was right- and it was! He showed us what to do and what we would need, just like Ms Gauld and he even taught us a hand washing song. After that we all had a practise and Ms Gauld and Mrs Mackay said we were good enough that we could get one Handys special stickers!




We have been learning even more sounds this week. This week we learnt p, i and n and in the active learning zone and the classroom we have been practising using them to make words, finding them in words and writing them. We are getting really good and we even took our sound books home as part of our homework this week so that we can teach our families the sounds, their actions and their songs.We have also been enjoying using the iPad to play games all about our sounds.



In the Active Learning Zone there have been lots of new areas to investigate and learn in. One of our favourites this week has been the science table. We have been investigating different objects and shiny things. We know what to do when we are there because Walt is there to tell us what we are learning.

All through the week we have all had a shot at playing a really fun game called PIPs. It helps our teachers see what we know and we all thought it was lots of fun! We had to do some counting, say what some sounds were, find some items in a picture and lots more fun things!

Week Starting 27th August 2012

  •  We are still in for mornings only this week 9.00am – 12.15pm
  • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please)
  • We will send homework out on a Thursday. Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
  • DC Thomsons will be coming to take our photograph for the paper on Thursday 30th August. We will let you know when it is going to be in the paper.
  • We are going to be in school fulltime from Monday 3rd September 2012

Our project is Sleeping Beauty.

This week we will be learning the Swahili  song Jambo so that we can sing it for our visitors next month.

A Whole New World and there’s a Kipper in it!

Welcome to our 2012- 2013 Primary 1 blog! It has been a VERY exciting week and we have all settled into big school life really well! When we came in some of us noticed that the room was a different colour because it was decorated in holidays. We were very excited to show our parents and families into our classroom on our first day and we soon settled into our school life.

We have been very busy learning and our teachers’ Mrs Munro and Mrs Mackay are very proud of us and super impressed with how well behaved and clever we all were.  Every morning , we look at our special class clock to find out what we are going to do during our morning at school then we count how many days we have been to school and we work out what our special number for the day will be. Mrs Mackay played a game with us where she hid some of the numbers on our chart and we had to say which was missing and we were all fabulous.

We have also been learning some new Jolly Phonic sounds this week we have been learning s, a and t. We used the computer to match the sound to pictures, we learned the action for each sound and we sang a song for each one. It was lots of fun. We have all been practising writing the sounds on a sheet for our folio and on whiteboards. When we were in the Active Learning Zone we were having lots of fun making s, a and t art work too.

We all made some new friends this week. We met Kipper, Chip and Biff. They all have nick names and we had lots of fun learning all about them.

On Friday we all had our first school assembly. It was all about the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. We learned two new songs, one was about following the school rules and the other one was about being doing things that will make us proud of oursleves. When we were at assembly  Wren got her special badge to show that she was our P1 Pupil Council Member and George got his special badge to show that he was our P1 Eco Council Member. On Thursday we had all talked about what being part of the Eco and Pupil councils meant and we had a vote to see who we wanted to represent us. We also found out that every time there is an assembly one of us would get a Star Award for something special we had done in class that week. This week Molly got a star award for trying hard and having very good listening ears all week. We are very proud of George, Wren and Molly and are looking forward to see who will be next to get a Star Award. Mrs Mackay and Mrs Munro were so proud of us for showing such good manners and behaviour at assembly that we all got a sticker too.

Week Starting 20th August 2012

  • We are still in for mornings only this week 9.00am – 12.15pm
  • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please)
  • We will begin to send homework out on a Thursday. Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.

Next week we will be learning all about the story of Sleeping Beauty as part of our project.