Tag Archives: adding

It’s all adding up in our new year!

What a busy time we have been having since we came back from our holidays! We have all been talking about what we would like to challenge ourselves to do for the new year. We even learnt the long word ‘resolution’. We all talked talked to our families about what we would like to write and some of us wrote it in our yellow jotters then we all wrote it on our resolution sheet to put in our folios.

We also have some new friend in our class (thanks to Mrs Paton!). We have some pet fish but some went on holiday and never came back so our fish ‘Goldie’ was getting lonely. We were so excited when Mrs Paton said that she had two fish who she found out wanted to find a new home! We decided that we couldn’t just call our new pets ‘fish’ so we decided to name them. We all thought of a name we liked and put in on a flipchart. Some of the names were very unusual but some of us thought of the same names as our friends. We had so many names that we all took turns to vote for our favourite one – some of us even decided that we liked other peoples ideas instead of our own. Once we had all voted we counted the results and the top two won. Meet Goldie (our old fish), Meemo (our goldfish who is orange) and Twinkle (our goldfish who is orange with a golden tummy).

In number work we are still practising our adding up. We have been using lots of things to help us work out the answer and some of us have really gotten the hang of it! We have been looking at finding the missing numbers in addition sums. It is tricky but we got there in the end!

Our water tray turned into a magical science experiment. We were all amazed when Mrs Mackay said that a special box had appeared and it was full of snow. Lots of us thought she was kidding because it was not very big but she told us that it was a science experiment made with magic. She showed us what was inside and explained that this bag was full of snow. We didnt think that this was right because the bag was just small and the same size as her head. She asked us if we could think of what we might have to do. George had the idea that snow is made of water so maybe we needed water to make the snow so we tried and something magical happened…. we got cold, snow and lots of it… the white powder reacted with the water and got bigger and bigger until we had lots!!! We have all enjoyed playing with it and investigating what would happen and how it feels.

We have been planning what we we want to know about our new topic ‘Lost and Found’. We watched the film which we thought was very sad but then we were very happy at the end (we even cheered!). We are really looking forward to learning more about the story. We enjoyed reading the book but were fascinated that some bits were the same and some bits were different. Some of us even noticed that there was a different illustrator because the way the pictures looked was different but the story was almost the same so it must be the same author.

Each week Mrs MacDonald sets the whole school a problem to solve. This week the problem was- what should be do about Friday afternoon activities. We decided that the best way to solve the problem was to make a mind map because Carys told us that it was important to plan if we want to do it well. So we all thought very carefully and we made a map with all our ideas on it. Then we picked the three that we thought would solve the problem the best and put a tick. We are very excited to see if our ideas will solve Mrs MacDonald and Mrs Frasers’ problem.

This term we are focusing on being Effective Contributors. We decided that the way to explain this is that we have to try our best, join in and be clear when we are explaining things. This week in our Folio Friday time we all looked at four of the ways we can be effective contributors. We looked at a picture for each one and thought about what we have done over the last two weeks that matched the picture then wrote it on the promethean board to record our ideas. We had lots of ideas. At the end we worked with our shoulder partner and shared if we each thought that we had been effective contributors. Then if we thought we were effective contributors we told our other shoulder partner what we thought we had done best from the four pictures we looked at.

In the ALZ we have been busy with more penguins!

We have made a tremendous Penguin adding wall to help with our adding stories.

We have also been self assessing. We are getting really good at it. Not just putting a green smiley face on but really thinking about if we needed help or managed it ourselves.

At the Promethean board we also have a flipchart to help us add. We need to find all the penguin friends that go together. Then write our name on it.

Week Beginning 21st January 2013

  • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please).
  • HOMEWORK – Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. The teacher will collect the weeks work on Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3 each week. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
  • Gym is on a Monday. Please remember long hair will need to be tied back and no jewellery. This means all earrings must be removed. Thank you.
  • Fruit money will be £1.00 until the mid term break in February.
  • Next week is Scottish Week
  • Remember to practise you Nessie poem at home for our Scottish Poetry Competition.
  • On Friday we are having a Scottish themed dinner. Remember to fill in your form if you want school dinners that day. Packed lunches run as normal.
  • It’s a New Term – Lost and Found

    Our new topic is going to be Lost and Found.

    If you want to watch it again at home you can find a link for it on this page…


    In the Active Learning Zone this week…

    we have been practising our adding stories with a little help from some penguins.

    We have been looking for a penguin with a number on his tummy and he helps us with the numbers that go together to add up to that number. We will have lots more practise of this.

    Also in the ALZ there is an igloo where we have been fishing.

    And there is also Antarctica with lots of penguins.

    At the making table we have been creating some wonderful penguins.

    At the playdough table we made some snow dough. We had to mix together cornflour, vegetable oil and glitter. It is very messy! We have been learning to use the dustpan and brush to clean up after ourselves. Mrs Munro says it’s a good skill to learn!

    Week Beginning Monday 14th Janurary

  • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please).
  • HOMEWORK – Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. The teacher will collect in the weeks work on Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3 each week. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
  • Gym is on a Monday and Thursday. Please remember long hair will need to be tied back and no jewellery. This means all earrings must be removed. Thank you.
  • A Whole New World for us to Google at….it all adds up!

    In the Active Learning Zone this week we have been practising using Google Earth. We are learning during road safety week about travelling safely and we have used Google Street View to try and find our own house. Most of us managed it!


    At the making table we have been drawing trees and cutting out leaves to make a number tree. All the leaves are the colours of Autumn. Well done Alise who spent a long time creating her number tree.

    We have been exploring music more too. We have been learning songs for our Christmas show and are continuing to use the iPad to find out about different music through some music apps. At the Wii we have also been exploring how our bodies move and how we can make them move to music. We use the timer so we all have a turn at playing. Who let the Dogs Out is one of our favourtie dances!

    Our Percy’s shed is continuing to grow. We have looked back at our plan and checked off all the things that we were able to find. We are enjoying exploring being Percy but we are still working on looking after our resources in the ALZ and will continue to work on taking responsibility for tidying up.

    In number work this week we have been learning lots more about addition. We have been learning more about adding to numbers together, this week we were concentrating on learning to add the stories of 4 and 5. It is starting to get very tricky but some of us have really got the hang of it. Over the next few weeks we will revise the stories of 1 to 5 and learn some new addition stories.



    In health, we have been thinking all about staying healthy. We had a fit Friday and we took part in lots of sports like Tennis, Football and Karate. We all had lots and lots of fun and lots of us were talking about what we liked the best and some of us even want to start new clubs because of what we have been learning which is super!!!! Miss Peace has been teaching us all about healthy diets too. We learnt that there are five main food groups and to stay healthy we have to have something from them all – some are better for us than others though! Next we had to make a plate of food showing what we had learnt and thinking carefully about how much of each type of food we would have in a meal so that it was healthy. We did really well and we had lots of fun too!



    We have started reviewing our week and this is called our Thinking Thursday Activexpression Activity. We have to use our activexpressions to vote for the collect answer after we have listened carefully to the question and thought carefully about what the answer might be. It was lots of fun and we all did really well. We are even getting really good at interpretting the results when the results come up.


    We have been learning to use our Jolly Phonic sounds to make new blends. This is when two sounds that we know join up and make friends  to make a new sounds. This week we were learning all about the sounds qu as in quack and th as in this and thin. We all had lots of fun and enjoy putting on the Jolly Phonics songs CD in the story area when it is choice time.

    We are continuing to self assess and we have been getting really good at it. We have made a display to go in our thinking board and it helps us learn all about what our focus is for the term and how we are doing at it.

    We have also gotten some new areas around the room to use at choice time. Each area either teaches us a new skill or lets us apply a skill that we have been learning. Some of the most popular areas this week have been;

    -using the wedge with magnetic letters on leaves to make new words and record them on a sheet

    -using the aquamat to write words which are in our Roald Dahl books   

    – the writing table has lots of different independent activities were we have to write our ideas or what we think the characters ideas or words might be

    the art area where we have been creating animals to go in the jungle


    Week Beginning 26th November

  • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please).
  • HOMEWORK – Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. The teacher will collect in the weeks work on      Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3 each week. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
  • Gym is on a Monday. Please remember long hair will need to be tied back and no jewellery. This means all earrings must be removed. Thank you.
  • Fruit money will be £1.80 for the term.
  • Next week is Read Week
  • Tuesday 27th November remember to bring your teddy bear and a snack for the Teddy Bear’s Picnic.
  • Thursday 29th November remember to bring in your favourite story book. 
  • On Friday 30th November remember to come dressed as your favourite character.
  • We have been so busy with Percy the Park Keeper and Roald Dahl (and a few other things too!)

    In the Active Learning Zone this week…

    We have been listening to the story of Percy the Park Keeper. He looks after a park and has lots of animal friends. We decided to make our Role Play area Percy’s Tool Shed. We had to think of all the things that Percy would need in his shed. We used a percy story book to help us and we had to think about Percy’s job. He is a park keeper and we had to think about the things he would need to do his job. We have also been painting some cardboard to make into Percy’s Shed.


    Our iPad area has changed! It still has an iPad on it but all the apps we are using are music apps. We can create our own music, listen to lots of different musical instruments and even play the piano. We are enjoying experimenting with sounds and singing along to the music we make.

    We have been talking about how well we learn and how we feel about it. We use faces to show how we feel. The teacher uses stars and wishes. We use sticky label faces with smiles, a line or a sad face to show how we feel about our learning. We choose this ourselves and can put it on any piece of work we do.

    If we are happy with our learning we choose a face with a smile and it means…

    I have done very well. I don’t need any help. It was really easy. I am happy with my work.

    If we were unsure we choose a face with a line for a mouth and it means…

    I’m not sure what I’m doing. It was a little bit tricky. I needed a little bit of help.

    If we found something really difficult we choose a face with a sad mouth and it means…

    I needed lots of help. It was really tricky. This was hard.


    We have been using our Thinking Book’s in the Active Learning Zone to help us share our ideas. We can draw or write anything we want in our books. Libby drew a picture of being at the park and then she wrote a sentence using her phonics skills. Well done Libby!


    We are enjoying exploring Autumn and Percy the Park Keeper stories.

    Over the last few weeks in class we have been really busy. We have had Halloween fun, bonfire night celebrations as well as all our other learning.

    For Halloween we all had to be witches and wizards – even Mrs Mackay. We had lots of fun when we discovered that something ‘magical’ had happened our to our sand and water trays. The water tray was filled with bats blood and we had to use special witches tools (tongs) to find hidden ingredients to make a magical potion. At the sand tray, all sorts of creepy crawls had found there way in there and we had to be witches and wizards and collect them with our special witch tools.


    We also had some science experiements which only witches could perform. We had some magic potions in bottles, a  glass of special witches water and we had some magic powder. We had to mix the powder with some of the potions and then add some witches water. It was amazing – as soon as we said our magic word ” Alacazam” the potions started to hiss, fizz and bubble- some even changed colour!!!!


     We all wrote our own potions in writing. We all cast  a spell together on the whiteboard and then we all made our own ones. They were so good that when we said the magic words the spells came to life and we had a cauldron full of yucky ingredients. We all took turns to see what we could find in the potion and because we were so brave we got to keep what we found! Our potions were so good we have made them into a book of spells!



    In art we made  pumpkin masks. We gave it a design and when it was home time we all put them on to surprise our grown ups. We looked really cute and a bit scary! 

    After Halloween it was Bonfire night. We talked lots and lots with our teachers about how to stay safe and we read a story called Danielle’s Bonfire Night. It was all about a little girl called Danielle who loved fireworks. She followed lots of rules about staying safe- she kept her cat inside so that it wouldn’t get hurt or scared. She was so excited though that she forgot some of the safety rules. She didnt wear gloves when she played with sparklers and she held two at once and so burnt her hand. It gave us lots to talk and think about and we all listened so well that we all stayed safe of Bonfire Night!


     We are still learning all about Roald Dahl books. As part of our Enormous Crocodile plan we made a jungle in our role play area. We had to think really carefully about what we would need to make it into a jumgle from a castle. We made lots of leaves and painted the animals. We even decided to put camoflage on the floor and we have some of the Rolly-Polly Bird’s in the jungle to play with. Lastly, some of us thought that if we used the woods which were outside the deep dark woods could be the trees in our jungle so we used them with some crepe paper. We think it looks fab and we have lots of fun there!

    We have been writing about theEnormous Crocodile too. We drew a picture of him and them we had to think about some words that described him. Most of us amazed Mrs Mackay and Mrs Munro because we sounded them out and they think that we did really well.



    Since we finished our Enormous Crocodile story we have been reading the story of the Twits. They are HORRIBLE!!!!! They are dirty and smelly and cruel. As if all that wasn’t bad enough they used to be pretty and handsome but because they had so many nasty and unkind thoughts everyday they slowly got uglier and uglier. It even happened to their dog!!! We think it is a really funny story and we are looking forward to reading more about it.


    In number work we have been learning all about symmetry. We started by making symmetrical paints of butterflies and we discovered that when we painted half a butterfly and folded the paper over it was the exact same on the other side. We thought that was really cool but we thought that the computer was even more amazing. We used textease paint to draw our own symmetrical pictures and we were amazed the special symmetry line was magic on the computer and when we drew a picture down one side the computer drew the symmetrical line on the other side. We had lots of fun. We all made a shield and butterfly symmetrical picture too – we are super symmetrically smart!



    We are learning all about addition at the moment and we have learnt the story of 1. We have watched some addition songs and clips on the computer and played a matching game to help is remember all of the addition words. Here are some clips to watch at home:




    On Sunday, it was Remembrance Sunday. This is a special day when people all across the country remember people who were hurt or died in a war. We learnt that to help people remember these soldiers, people wear poppies. On Remembrance Sunday special poppy wreaths are laid on special monument and in Dundee this is the Law Hill Momument. 


    Something very exciting happened this week- we all got our new writting jotters. These are special books where we are going to do all of our best writing. This week we wrote our own news with help from our new visiting teacher Miss Peace. It was tricky to remember to form our letters correctly and to use finger spaces so we told her what we wanted to write and she wrote it for us. Next we went over it with our writing pencils and then we had to be very careful to use our best writing and we wrote it underneath by ourselves. We can’t wait to write some more in them!


    As part of our homework some of us made our own storys up. They were all fantastic! Edyn took what she had been learning about in the Active Learning Zone with the story of Funny Bones and created a new story called Funny Bones Goes To Hospital, it is fantastic. Kayla wrote her own story of version of the Sleeping Beauty story and it is brilliant too. If you haven’t already written  or made your own storybook – it would be super if you could and then bring it in to share with us.


    Week Starting 19th November 2012

    • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please).
    • We will send homework out on a Thursday. Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. Mrs Mackay will collect in the weeks work and any other material on Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of  3 each week. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
    • Gym is on a Monday. Please remember long hair will need to be tied back and no jewellery. This means all earrings must be removed.
    • ICT is on Wednesday afternoons.

    Our project is ……. Roald Dahl Stories. We are looking at the story of The Twits this week.

    This week we will be learning ;

    • the addition stories to 5
    • songs for our Christmas Show