Tag Archives: Survey

Pupil Surveys at Braeview

Surveys in Glow

As part of our department development plan a task was to elicit more useful feedback from pupils on the content and delivery of our course so that we could adapt our courses moving forward. An ideal way to do this so that the feedback can be collated quickly is by setting up a Subject Glow Group and then creating and adding a survey to the page.

Depending on how you word the questions glow collates the responses for you and can show you graphical summaries of responses so that you quickly see patterns regarding which techniques and topics are most popular etc…

Having used the survey feature a number of times now I find the restricted choice or scale questions the best for summarising responses for a large class giving you hard and fast percentages, but free text questions can certainly throw up points from pupils who might not feel comfortable speaking out  in class.

So far pupils have taken the opportunity to give feedback in the right spirit and comments have been appropriate and meaningful, however you can easily go in and delete any unsuitable responses.

For instructions on how to create a survey take a look at the glow cookbooks:
