Tag Archives: Revision

Podcasts at Braeview

Podcasts at Braeview

As an alternative to past papers, a revision technique I use (which is perfect for filling a double period) is getting pupils to create revision notes on key exam topics and record them as podcasts.

Resources required: Audacity (on virtual apps), microphone, speakers/headphones, Glow Group (optional if you want to upload and share podcasts with other pupils).

Summary of steps involved:

1.    Produce a list of revision topics/titles for pupils to randomly choose from.

2.    Get pupils to write a study note/summary on that topic.
3.    Pupils then use Audacity to record their study note.

4.    Pupils can edit the track perhaps altering the sound of their voice using the pitch control.

5.    Pupils Export the track as an MP3. (Note for Audacity to export as mp3 you will need the LAME dll file, which can be downloaded from the web)

6.    Pupils can then transfer this to a memory stick or MP3 player. In addition to this as a teacher you could gather the class’s podcasts together and upload to the documents tab of your subject Glow Group so that pupils can share/pool resources.