Understanding Cinema at St Paul’s RC Academy

A small group of our S1s are lucky enough to be working with the talented local film maker Sandie Jamieson –  on a Cinema project. Pupils have been set three tasks of increasing depth and challenge which will culminate in their final piece being premiered at the Edinbugh Film Festival along with pupil films from other schools in the city and across Scotland. The boys have mostly worked on the project at lunchtimes and a few extra periods here and there for filming. Sandie has shown the boys some inspirational excerpts from famous films and introduced them to the finer points of scriptwriting and and filming and has shown remarkable patience with a group of excitable S1 lads with some outlandish ideas.

More information can be found on the main blog here – http://understandingcinema.wordpress.com/  and on St Paul’s own blog here – http://cinemastpaulsrcdundee.wordpress.com/

The videos we have made can be seen on – https://vimeo.com/user24324805/videos

Filming began in earnest last week with a number of scenes ‘in the can’ as they say.

The lads creating a hypnotic tune in Audacity
The lads creating a hypnotic tune in Audacity
Filming in the corridor and hoping no one comes out of class and gets in shot!
Filming in the corridor and hoping no one comes out of class and gets in shot!
Abu filming a closeup under Sandie's watchful eye
Abu filming a closeup under Sandie's watchful eye

Plot ideas for our video

Plot ideas for our video
Trying to thrash out a decent ending with Sandie's help
Trying to thrash out a decent ending with Sandie's help

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