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Primary 2 – Living Things

Primary 2 have been very busy finding out about living things.  They started by sorting different living things and had to give the criteria they used for sorting them.  After researching a minibeast they used the information they had found to search in the playground for them.

Many different minbeasts were found including centipedes, worms and woodlice.  By working together they could identify most of them.  Listening carefully to instructions meant that everyone could use the equipment.  Most importantly they were very careful to make sure they looked after the minibeasts they found and put them back where they found them.

Paired Reading with P2c and P7

Primary 2c have been enjoying doing ‘paired reading’ with the primary 7s. They started this during read week and it was very successful. We decided, therefore to continue on a weekly basis. The  aim is for the children to pair up with a primary 7 pupil and choose books from the school library to read to each other. Research has shown that this strengthens both readers confidence and greatly enhances their enjoyment in reading.

Primary 2b Trip to Broughty Ferry Beach

Primary 2b went on a trip to Broughty Ferry Beach to help them learn about life by the sea. Whilst at the beach the children got busy learning about the different animals and plants which can be found there.  They were also extremely responsible citizens by taking part in a beach litter pick to help keep our beaches clean and protect the things that live there. We had lots of fun playing games and collecting many interesting things during our beach comb. We brought the items we collected back to our classroom to extend our learning further.

Primary 2b – 3D Junk Sharks

Primary 2b have been learning about 2D and 3D shape. We used our topic “Under the Sea” to help us learn about these shapes by making model sharks out of junk. First we drew a plan of our shark and used the correct 3D shapes to make a shark matching our drawings. We really impressed Miss Menzies by working together and sharing any junk that we were not using with the other boys and girls in our class. We then used our experiences in junk modelling to help us with our functional writing by creating a set of instructions to show how we made our junk sharks. We had a great time and learned lots.

P2 Numbers to 20

Primary 2c have been learning to recognise, write and order numbers to 20. They had great fun organising themselves into a human numberline. They worked well together as a team arranging themselves into the correct order. They then played lots of games where we looked at the numbers before, the numbers after and the number between.