Category Archives: Sciences

Our Bodies

Primary 2 and 3 are finding out about their bodies.

They have found out about the skeleton, why we need one, measuring some of their bones and finding out about what we need to keep our bones healthy. Using cotton reels and sponges they found out that our bones have cartlidge between them which allows us to move without our bones clicking together.

The heart and lungs were next under investigation, they found out how many beats their heart makes when they were resting then they measured it again after exercise. Everyone found out their heart beat much quicker after exercise.

Perfect packages?

Primary 2 have been studying materials in science this term. They have investigated their properties and how these help decide where different materials are used. Most recently they had to work with a partner to plan, design and make a package to protect an uncooked egg when dropped from a height of 1 metre. First they had to examine the junk they had brought in and decide if the materials they had would be useful. Once they had decided which materials to use they planned their package. Using their plan they had to make their package and finally they tested them. Everyone worked very well together and their packages were fantastic, WELL DONE EVERYONE!

Primary 2b Trip to Broughty Ferry Beach

Primary 2b went on a trip to Broughty Ferry Beach to help them learn about life by the sea. Whilst at the beach the children got busy learning about the different animals and plants which can be found there.  They were also extremely responsible citizens by taking part in a beach litter pick to help keep our beaches clean and protect the things that live there. We had lots of fun playing games and collecting many interesting things during our beach comb. We brought the items we collected back to our classroom to extend our learning further.

Primary 2 visit Broughty Ferry Beach

On a sunny Wednesday morning in September (after two days of storms!) all three Primary 2 classes visited Broughty Ferry Beach.

Our topic in Term 1 had been about the seashore so this was a great opportunity to learn more from the Countryside Rangers who met us there. We took park in some activities including a game to identify local seashore wildlife and we helped clear up and sort out the litter we found on the beach. Between the two groups we found lots of bits of plastic which we learned will not disappear over time and is very dangerous to the sea birds.

Some of us also had the chance to take part in a scavenger hunt where we had to find some items on the beach and put them in a bag. We took these back to school and had a closer look at the shells and the feathers. We had to throw away some of the items we collected because they were so smelly!