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Visit to Newfields

The children and staff of the Beehive walked down to see their old school one last time before it was demolished completely. We were able to look inside the school and discuss what rooms we could see. Some of us were sad to see the school being knocked down as we had lots of good memories of being there. However, we are really enjoying being in our new building at Ballumbie too.

The Beehive Scottish food tasting afternoon.

On January 25th as part of the first Ballumbie Primary Scottish open day the Beehive held a scottish food tasing afternoon- Yum!!

We tried neeps, tatties, veggie and meat haggis, oatcakes, shortbread and pancakes.  Unfortunately Mrs Heffell forgot the Irn Bru!

As well as simply tasting we also completed evaluation sheets drawing the foods and rating how much we enjoyed it.  Veggie haggis was much more popular than the meet one but we all loved the Scottish shortbread the most.


Some children in the Beehive have been exploring shape as part of their maths work. Here is Saul guessing what shape he has by feeling its sides and corners. Also, here is James, who has made a shape poster with some very impressive shapes including a trapezium and a parallelogram!



Welcome to the Ballumbie Enhanced Provision Blog. We plan to use the Blog as a way of sharing what we are learning and what we have been doing. We want to encourage positive comments to the blog celebrating the achievements of our hard working pupils.