Wb 07/09/20


Robyn received star pupil for primary 7. She is the first star pupil of our P7 class.

In digital technologies Miss Smith has been showing us how to make virtual calls using teams. We have been coming up with idea for keeping in touch with the rest of the school without being in the same room. We have thought about having virtual assemblies. 

In maths we have been learning about mixed and improper fractions.  We have been converting mixed and improper fractions and drawing images to show how to represent fractions. Here is Ben and Millie trying to show an image of improper fractions.

In PE we have been working on our throwing and catching with Miss Smith, we have been trying out different ways of throwing to make the ball move the quickest possible way.

In topic this week we were learning about the layers of the ocean. We have discussed the names of all 5 layers of the ocean and spoke about why the ocean has layers.

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