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Today 1G3 were learning about radiation. we did an experiment where we got 2 metal beakers 1 of them was black the other was silver and filled them with boiling water, then we put the thermometer into the water we waited until the thermometer stopped moving and timed until it went cold.

Heat topic – class materials

A version of the teaching and learning materials for the heat part of the topic is available here. This goes into extra detail about designing fair experiments, how particle theory helps to explain how heat travels in solids liquids and gases practical applications of conduction, convection and radiation and how homes are insulated.

Ask about any of the topics in class.

Big file alert – this is a big file and might take a while to load. Not sure how it will cope with being on a phone – somebody let me know.


Particles on the move

Today’s lesson carried on from looking at the arrangement of particles that make up solids liquids and gases. We did three experiments to look at how easy it was for particles to move in solids, liquids and gases.

For solids, we left a piece of jelly with a coffee granule on top. We will check tomorrow to see if the colour has spread.

For liquids, we put food colouring into a boiling tube of water. We will check tomorrow to see if the colour has spread.

For gases, we mixed a brown gas a colourless gas. We did not to wait at all – the gases mixed straight away. This showed that the particles in gases were able to move much more easily that solids and liquids. This is because the particles are moving much faster and the spaces between them are much bigger.