S2 PE Miss McKay

In PE at the moment we are doing dodge ball and it is very fun. At the start of each lesson the teacher goes over what the target is and how we can achieve it. For the past few periods of PE the target has been to understand what determination means and i think i know. Determination is when you are determined to accomplish your goal. Miss McKay has came up with a very smart system to let us have a variety of different chances in dodge ball, on a Monday we play lots of little games, on a Wednesday we play some little games as a warm up and then a big game and, on a Friday we play one big game for the whole period. Miss McKay has a point system that adds up, and the team with the most points gets a prize. The points work that when you win you get three points when you get set up quickly you get a bonus point and if you be silly you get a point deducted.

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