Test warning

1D3 and 1G3 are getting close to the end of the Cells and Reproduction topic. The test for 1D3 will be next Friday – 3rd June. 1G3 have missed periods for sports and trips, so their test will be at the end of the following week – around 10th June.

Teaching materials are not available for all topics as they were written in a format which you would not be able to view on line.  Materials are available on the blog for the microscopes and cells only, not the reproduction and DNA.

As with the last few topics, you have been issued with a revision summary. You have been taught in class how to do active revision – highlighting key words, drawing up vocabulary lists, changing format (e.g. paragraph to mind map) and read, cover, write check. In the last topic some people were disappointed with test marks, but admitted that they had not prepared well for the test. This is your opportunity to do something differently.

  • Start early.
  • Revise short and often rather than leave it all till the night before.
  • Use active revision


revision complete

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