Digital literacy skills in S2 Computing

In Computing we’ve been looking at 4 different skills,Technology and building up resilence.

Researching skills:I have been searching up key information on the internet then making sure it is accurate.

Communication skills:I have managed to put information into publisher or power point.

Presentation skill: I have managed to gather information either separate or shorten it into a power poing or publisher document

Problem solving skills:I have been able to create patterns in python.i also know how to make to make it bigger .

Using technologies

Using internet engines:I have been using google to gather information for my work and to practice coding.

Using various Different packages:I have been using power point, access, word, publisher to store information.

Using programming tools:I have been using python, and kodu to use our coding skills to create things.

Building Resilence

I never gave up on trying to create even if i messed up the codes

I tried different codes to try and create various things.

I tested my program to see if it came out right .Image result for python programming

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