My week in Lornshill

This week in Lornshill so far i have enjoyed my P.e lessons we are playing dodge ball and it is very fun but there are a lot of cheaters that don’t play the game properly.In Science i have been learning about yeast this week and it got very messy and we got made to clean it up.In English we have been watching a movie about what used to happen in the olden days if you got accused of witch craft it was a very interesting and educating video and i really enjoyed it.In French i have understood nothing and i find it very boring.In Maths we have been learning a lot of new things and going over some things we done a while ago to refresh our memory I enjoy doing maths but sometimes its challenging, The homework is usually hard.

S2 Computing – Nov 2017 to Jan 2018

So far in computing we have done Coding Skills in Python where we find few shapes by coding. We were given a code to follow exactly. Computer Systems where we had to describe all computer parts in PowerPoint as a presentation, for example keyboard is an input device and  speaker is an output device. We also got presentations skills. We used our coding skills in Kodu, using the code to play in game.