Computing science

In computing science we Learned HTML/Web Pages and how to make websites /code websites. we learned to create a website and write on it we did this by coding a document and then transforming it into a website

Image result for Html web pages


We also learned coding skills and how to code a character to move or do instructions we improved our coding skills by going onto the and practicing coding games or adventures

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We’ve learned computer systems and what they all do and different ways you can cool down a computer.

We also learned how much parts cost they can be up to about £5000 pounds for one part but these parts are essential for a computer to work



Image result for computer systems

input devices can store stuff or say it out so you can here it. Input devices  put stuff into the computer e.g a keyboard puts words or search stuff. Output devices read things out loud or you can take it with you e.g earphones allow you to hear words from the computer


Image result for input and output


We done a systems block diagram and it shown us what input or output devices are like and how they operate it shows us the way things go and what they do and how they link into the computer and why they are so important



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Computing science also taught us presentation skills e.g PowerPoint. This helped us to set out presentations correctly and how to set out presentations in the process helping us for the future.



Image result for presentation


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