Test warning

Both classes started revision of the ‘Matter’ topic on Friday. We will continue with some revision as we start the new topic. The test will be on Friday of next week (12th) with Miss Anderson (1D3) and Mrs Murphy (1G3).

You have one week’s warning about the test, so spend some time going over the work in your jotter. Concentrate on the vocabulary revision sheet and the arrangement of particles in solids, liquids and gases.



Last week’s fun and frolics

Last week’s work looked at solubility -whether or not a substance will dissolve. We –

  • tested different substances to see if they were soluble in water
  • agreed rules so that we can observe what is soluble and what is not
  • compared solubility in cold and warm solvents
  • used our knowledge of particles to explain why more solute can dissolve in warm solutes
  • compared solubility in different solvents – water and white spirit
  • Made a hot saturated solution so that we could use it to start growing crystals

Still waiting for someone in the class to post a photo so that the class can be allowed to photograph experiments again
