P4N 24/1/20

Hello everyone!

This week in P4N we have been developing our topic knowledge of the Vikings by researching all about the Longhouses that they used to live in. We used different sources to do this: videos online, Viking books and a fantastic app called ‘Google Expeditions’ which allowed us to see what the inside of a Longhouse actually looked like! We loved using that app and found some fantastic facts which we used to create an annotated diagram.

In writing this week we decided to create a story with the title ‘A Day in the Life of a Viking Child.’ We had lots of discussion about how different it must have been to be a child all the way back then. We had some fantastic pieces of writing! Our star writers of the week were Jaxon, Elise and Jack T. Well done!

In maths we have been looking at ‘Think Grids’ which show a subtraction sum in several different ways: a story, a picture, the number line method and its number family! This has allowed us to get a better understanding of what the sum actually means and what it looks like.

We played a great game of sprint spelling and we had some tricky words like ‘sincerely’ and ‘completely,’ please test us!


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