Week Ending 25/05/2018

Good morning everyone,

We have had another busy week in Primary 1.

We started our week at Almond Valley on our fantastic school trip. We got to see lots of animals, have a bounce on the bouncy castle/ or the bouncy pillow, play at the adventure zone, go on a tractor ride and have lunch in the picnic barn with our friends. Here are some of our thoughts about our class trip:

“It was cool” – Rory

“It was fun!” – Hanna

“It was awesome!” – Ohad

“It was really, really good” – Nathan

“the Adventure Zone was cool” – Bryce

“It was very good”

“the bouncy pillow was amazing and I liked jumping on it” – Euan

“I loved the Adventure Zone” – Jared

“the Adventure Zone was great” – Alexis

“I really, really loved the bouncy cow (bouncy castle)” – Beth

“I loved the Adventure Zone and the bouncy castle” – Aryanna

“I really liked the tractor ride” – Abi

“I really liked the trip” – Kayla

We have also been reading our books, finishing off learning about volume and capacity in maths and learning about Islam in our RME lesson.

Our sunflowers are growing well and we have been enjoying watering them and watching them grow taller every day!

In writing we learned how to use commas! We can now use commas when writing lists and Miss Stephens is very proud of us! We also used our checklist from our outdoor learning day last week to write about features of Spring. Check out our photos on Twitter!

In our topic lessons we learned about trees in our playground. We learned that we have Willow trees, Rowan trees, Elder trees and Oak trees. Can you make a connection with those names to something we have in school? (please leave your answer in the comments). We learned about the different parts of trees and completed a labelling activity.

Our little chicks are going to their forever home this weekend. We have really enjoyed having them and owe a big thanks to Mrs McCappin for her kindness.

Have an awesome weekend everyone! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Week Ending 25/05/2018”

  1. Wow, it seems like you’ve had a really busy week! 😴😴😴 Alexis has been telling me all about it. Thank you for letting me come to Almond Valley with you, it was great fun! My favourite part was meeting Smokey the pig. 🐷🐖

    Answer: They are also the names of the baby chicks🐣 and the school house teams.

  2. I had a brilliant time with all the boys and girls in P1S, thank you very much for letting me join you on your trip!!!! Keep up the good work guys with all your fantastic and dynamic learning :):)
    Járed 😎

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