What have P1S been up to this week?

Good morning everyone and thank you for visiting out blog.

This week we have been learning about subtraction in Maths. We have been using a variety of strategies. We can now subtract using cubes, counters, a number line and some of us can even subtract mentally.

“We have been making a bridge for the 3 Billy Goats” – Megan

“We have been making posters with our book character on it. We then shared our posters and used describing words to talk about our character” – Jared

“In Reading, we have been making a ‘wanted’ poster to help find Red Hat Rob” – Riley

“We have been learning a new sound. We learned the ‘ir’ sound” – Bryce

“We learned to form capital letters correctly” – Georgia

“We learned about different sports in our gym lessons. I liked the ice hockey the best” – Hanna

“We learned about perseverance in RME and we know that means that we should never give up, even if things are tricky” – Rory

“We had our parent in for a story and cuddle today. I loved it” – Cameron

Here we are with our bridges after working together to create one for the 3 Billy Goats to cross the river. We worked cooperatively and all had a job to do. 


Here we we are working with a partner to complete subtraction problems, using cubes.


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