Good Morning,

Thank you so much to Kayla’s Mum and Alexis’ Mum for commenting on our Blog!! We LOVED reading your comments! 🙂

Here is an overview of what we have been learning this week.

We have been learning to label our ‘boady’ in Scots. I know een is for eye, I know neb is for nose and lugs are for ears. – Jared

We have been learning about Scottish Highland cows. We even got to paint them in the style of Steven Brown . – Hanna

We performed our Class Assembly last week. It was amazing and I really enjoyed it. – Georgia

In Maths, we have been learning to add sets together. We have been practising adding in our heads. First, you put the biggest number in your head and then add some jumps up to get your answer – Joseph

We have been learning another song in Scots. It’s called the 3 craws. I think we should video it on the iPad and put it on the blog – Beth (We will do this in a few minutes and upload it for you to see).

We have been learning about Scotland – Rhian

At gym we have been doing activities that helps us with our numbers – Natsumi

We have learned another Scottish song. It’s called the Flower of Scotland – Ohad

We learned a new sound. It’s the ‘or’ sound – Rory

We have been learning about lots of numbers. We have been adding numbers together – Abi J

We learned about fluency and expression with our reading book, Six Fish. We loved doing the funny voices – Bryce

In Art, we made Valentine pictures with love hearts – Megan

We have been practising the ‘oo’ sound – Euan

We have been focusing on sharing and being kind – Cameron

We have been using lots of different numbers and adding them together – Kayla

We have been learning about the days of the week in French – Alexis

We have been learning about double numbers. We know double numbers up to 20. Miss Stephens sometimes gives us really challenging questions in maths to help us get quicker- Lena


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