Week Ending 12.01.18

Happy New Year!

Here is an overview of what we have been learning in P1S this week:

I liked learning about the Buddha statue in RME. I learned about the Buddhas’s Birthday. – Michael

We have been learning about materials. We learned that everything is made of atoms. We learned that wool comes from sheep.  We worked in groups to sort materials  – Jared

We have been learning to use tally marks – Euan

We learned a new sound. It’s ow – Blow the Snow – Bryce

We learned about 3D shapes. We worked in groups and built different things with 3D shapes. We learned about shapes that are good for building and shapes that roll – Hanna

We learned about 3D and 2D shapes. We know 2D shapes are flat. We went on a 3D shape hunt outside. It was great fun! – Kayla

We learned about the Buddha’s birthday and about Buddhism – Abi J

I learned about the Scotland flag. It’s special name is the saltire. We painted our own flag  – Joseph

We’ve have been searching for different materials. We know they are made of atoms.  I was looking for metal. I know this is a hard material – Ohad

We’ve been learning about a new sound. It is a vowel sound and it’s the sound, ow for blow the snow- Rory

We’ve been learning about New Year Resolutions. We made two resolutions and wrote about them on little stars. We got to colour the stars to make them beautiful. We are going to hang them up in our classroom next week – Liam

We have been moving the story corner because we got new stuff to put in our classroom. We got a new table, new cushions and a new rug – Ohad, Riley, Hanna, Jared and Rhylan

We have been learning that everything around us is made of atoms – Megan

We wrote about what we got up to in the holidays – Georgia

We learned to write our tricky words using look, say, cover, write, check – Logan

We have been learning to order numbers and it was great fun – Natsumi



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