Week ending 26/01/18

Good morning,

this week we have been…

 learning our song for out Scottish Assembly – Jared

writing about Hamish getting a haircut – Hanna

learning about materials to build houses in Science. Miss Stephens’ house was going to be made with jelly and newspapers. We thought that was a bit silly! – MIchael

learning the sound ar – start the car! – Euan

learning about different tables in Maths – Mollie

reading a new book and learning new Red and Green words – Megan

learning head, shoulders, knees and toes in Scots – Riley

learning about Buddhism – Bryce

learning a new Scottish poem and we even got to perform it in front of all our friends this morning. It was fabulous – Natsumi




Week Ending 19th of January

Good afternoon everyone,

here is an overview of what we were learning last week.

We were making snowmen in the snow, we were learning to work cooperatively with our team and then we worked together to make 3D shapes with the snow – Riley and Kayla

Check out some of our snow fun photos below.

He met a new friend last week and his name is Hamish. He is a highland cow. We wrote sentences about what Hamish looks like. He is cute, fluffy and lovely. – Hanna

In maths we learned about tally marks. – Cameron


We learned how to make our own pictographs – Ohad

In Science we learned about temperature and about when liquid freezes and melts. We know that liquid begins to freeze when the temperature goes below 0 degrees.

In gym we took turns at different stations – Bryce

We were reading and spelling – Natsumi

We learned some Scottish songs and words – Beth

We have had a singing practice with P1F – Rory

We learned a new sound. We learned the sound oo. – Kayla

Week Ending 12.01.18

Happy New Year!

Here is an overview of what we have been learning in P1S this week:

I liked learning about the Buddha statue in RME. I learned about the Buddhas’s Birthday. – Michael

We have been learning about materials. We learned that everything is made of atoms. We learned that wool comes from sheep.  We worked in groups to sort materials  – Jared

We have been learning to use tally marks – Euan

We learned a new sound. It’s ow – Blow the Snow – Bryce

We learned about 3D shapes. We worked in groups and built different things with 3D shapes. We learned about shapes that are good for building and shapes that roll – Hanna

We learned about 3D and 2D shapes. We know 2D shapes are flat. We went on a 3D shape hunt outside. It was great fun! – Kayla

We learned about the Buddha’s birthday and about Buddhism – Abi J

I learned about the Scotland flag. It’s special name is the saltire. We painted our own flag  – Joseph

We’ve have been searching for different materials. We know they are made of atoms.  I was looking for metal. I know this is a hard material – Ohad

We’ve been learning about a new sound. It is a vowel sound and it’s the sound, ow for blow the snow- Rory

We’ve been learning about New Year Resolutions. We made two resolutions and wrote about them on little stars. We got to colour the stars to make them beautiful. We are going to hang them up in our classroom next week – Liam

We have been moving the story corner because we got new stuff to put in our classroom. We got a new table, new cushions and a new rug – Ohad, Riley, Hanna, Jared and Rhylan

We have been learning that everything around us is made of atoms – Megan

We wrote about what we got up to in the holidays – Georgia

We learned to write our tricky words using look, say, cover, write, check – Logan

We have been learning to order numbers and it was great fun – Natsumi



Term 3 Learning Overview

Class Newsletter: Term 3


Miss Stephens and P1S

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you find the following information useful. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Learning in Term 2:

In term 2 we learned all about Space. We learned to recongise the sun, moon and stars and link these to times of the day and our routines at home and school. We learned how day and night are linked to the sun and the rotation of Planet Earth. We also learned about the solar system and managed to name and order the planets from the Sun.

We also worked really hard on developing our reading and writing skills. We learned more digraph sounds (special friends) and even started using some of these in our story writing.

In Mathematics and Numeracy we used Ten Frames to develop our mental addition strategies, learned to order the months of the year, learned to tell the time and started to develop written strategies for addition. We also looked at symmetry and patterns.

General Information:

Please continue to check your child’s school clothes to make sure their name is on ALL items of clothing.

Please help your child to bring their red folder to school every day. It is really important that reading books are kept in red folders to allow us to read every day and complete associated reading tasks. Thank you for your support with this.

Your child is allowed to bring in a water bottle which should have plain water in it to drink in class at suitable times. Diluting juice or fizzy juice is not allowed to be consumed in class.

Homework is sent home on a Monday and should be returned completed for the Thursday of that week.

Our P.E days are a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It is really helpful if the children do not wear ties on P.E days.

Learning focus this term:

Through our learning context, Scotland, we will be learning about:

  • Scots dialect – we will be able to say some Scottish words, count in Scots and sing some Scottish songs
  • Where Scotland and Alloa are on a map
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between mainland Scotland and the islands and identify physical features of Scotland.
  • The main visitor attractions of Scotland.

Core Skills learning focus:

  • This term we are continuing to focus on developing independence and responsibility. The children should come to school prepared like Learning Larry and should be able to organise their own belongings at the beginning and end of the day. We will also be encouraging the children to think about the presentation of their work and to encourage perseverance and to give things a go.
  • Children will also be looking closely at the right to be protected and accepted and the right to be heard and express an opinion, through the Rights Respecting Schools characters Protected Paul and Heard Hazel.

Core Literacy:

  • We will continue to learn the sound digraphs and revise previously taught sounds.
  • Tricky words will be taught and used in class.
  • We will use a fictional character called Hamish the Highland Cow as a stimulus for writing during our Scotland topic. Different things will happen to Hamish as our topic progresses and the children will write about these.
  • The children will continue to focus on using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in their writing. Some children will begin using a connective to join 2 sentences together.
  • The children will also learn about labelling within their writing.
  • We will look also look at poetry.

Core Mathematics and Numeracy:

  • The children will learn about 3D shapes and their properties.
  • The children will learn new Maths vocabulary related to addition and subtraction and will be able to recognise the Mathematical signs for the processes.
  • The children will be able to complete addition sums using a variety of resources to support them, such as cubes for counting and number lines to use for ‘counting on’.
  • Number formation and recognition will continue to be revised throughout this term.
  • Subtraction will be introduced and the children will be able to explain the difference between addition and subtraction.
  • The children will learn to work with money and will be able to recongise and name coins as well as work out the correct change to be given.
  • The children will learn to use tally marks and collect data.



As a Health Promoting school we actively encourage and teach our children to make healthy choices, to enable them to become healthy, active and emotionally resilient young people of the future.

Morning Snack


We encourage children to bring one small healthy snack such as a piece of fruit for morning break.

Breakfast Club:  8.30am – 8.50am


It is fantastic that our Breakfast Club is becoming increasingly popular as the year progresses. Please ensure that children arrive NO LATER THAN 8.45am as the kitchen stops serving at 8.50am.  This allows for staff to help children get organised for school.  Many thanks.

Bicycles and Scooters in the Playground

Although we actively encourage children to cycle and scoot to school, it is important that children ‘walk’ their bicycle or scooter in the playground for the safety of other children and parents in the playground. Please ensure that children are wearing safety helmets too!

Many thanks for your continued support,

Miss Stephens