Last Week of Term 1 in P1S

Good morning everyone. It is our last day of term 1. I can’t believe how quickly the first term has gone. The Primary 1 boys and girls have worked extremely hard in their first term at school and deserve a little holiday next week. Here is our highlights from our week.

I have loved writing this week. I have been writing numbers and letters  – Alexis

I have learned something new. I have learned new letters and numbers – Hanna

I have been learning about new letter sounds – Riley

I have learned something new. I have learned about Alloa – Aryanna

I have learned more about numbers. I have learned to count to big numbers – Logan

I have been learning about letters and numbers – Abi

I have been learning words to spell. I now know how to read words that I didn’t know before – Jared

I like school. I like writing  – Dakota

I have been learning to count to 100 – Lena

We can count to 100 in 10’s – Kayla

I have been using my toys to make number sentences – Cameron

We have been learning how to add numbers – Rhian

I like learning new sounds. We have bouncy sounds and stretchy sounds – Rory

We learned the ‘sh’ sound and we know it’s special because it has two letters but it makes one sound – Beth

I know really big numbers – Joseph

We were learning to play the Coca – Cola song on the drums  – Riley

I have been learning to count to 100 – Georgia

I have been learning to count using big numbers – Bryce

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