Another week in P2B

“This week we have been writing about trying to do stuff. We have to keep on going.” Megan

We were learning about growth mindset and the power of yet – we learned that even if we can’t do things yet, we can still keep trying.

“We were doing the ‘oi’ sounds on whiteboards”. Dakota. Can you guess what the children’s favourite ‘oi’ word was?

“This week we were measuring in litres and we had stations. They were laptops and we were doing capacity countdown.” Beth

“We were measuring in litres with some water and we were seeing if we had more or less than 1 litre.” Járed

We tried out a new drama activity to help us understand the story we have been reading called Giraffes can’t Dance. Natsumi pretended to be the giraffe and we asked her questions. 

Thank you to the children who have brought show and tell items and books for book blessings. Every child will have the opportunity to share this term.

Next week in maths we will be looking at fractions, particularly halves and quarters. Our sound will be a_e, as in bake and cake.

Week 2 in P2B

“We were playing Sumdog for the first time. The P7s came to help us. When we were playing with Sumdog we have to choose a game and answer maths questions. If you were really good you got a pet.” (Annabelle and Kayla)



Mostly Postie

“This week we have been measuring blocks. We were measuring how heavy things are. We were measuring in kilograms and half kilograms. We had stations and my favourite station was Mostly Postie”. (Rory, Liam, Megan and Beth).

“We were pretending to be characters from the book called “Giraffes Can’t Dance”. We were also dancing when the characters were dancing in the story.  When we were dancing the teacher invited anyone else to join in. Some people got to be a character and some didn’t. Abby Walker was Gerald the Giraffe.” (Abby W., Járed, Rory (again), Beth (again) and Georgia)

Ohad gave a book blessing to “Library Mouse” by Daniel Kirk. He even created an author box similar to the one in the story. We then got the chance to see ourselves as authors in the mirror and write our own stories. Thank you Ohad!

Alexis also shared a book blessing about  “The Christmasaurus” by Tom Fletcher. We enjoyed reading the prologue in class.

Beth shared a book blessing for “The Faraway Tree” by Enid Blyton

Next week we will be learning about capacity and volume in maths measuring and estimating in litres and half litres.


First week back in p2B

“We have been measuring lots of things in the area and in our classroom” (Mollie)

“In gym we were doing stations. In one of the stations we had balloons, and we needed to try and catch them with our finger. We tried to keep them in the air. We used our fingers to bounce them up. We put balls in the cones and we bounced and caught them in the cone. ” (Kayla, Beth, Ohad and Járed)

In maths this week we have been learning about estimating and measuring length in metres and half metres.

In literacy, we have focused on the sound ‘oa’.

Next week in maths we will be continuing with adding, and looking at measuring weight in kilograms. In literacy, we will be looking at the ‘ew’ sound.