All posts by Mr Richardson

P7r Quadrilaterals Work

This week in maths we have been learning about different quadrilaterals. Quadrilaterals are any 4 sided shape with straight edges.
The main ones we have learned about are:
Today we went into the school playground and drew different quadrilaterals with chalk. At the end we had a competition to see who had made the best ones. The winners were Abby and Libby.





Scottish Parliament Topic

As part of our topic on the Scottish Parliament we have worked in groups to create our own political parties.
The parties we have come up with are as follows:
-Better for Scotland party Erin, Amelie, Haris and Euan Beattie
-Blue party Kelise, Scott, Laura and Luke
-Scottish Life Libby, Amy McInally, Corey and James
-Robotics Keira, Lucy and Owen
-United Robins Callen, Rodi and Abby
-Pink Party Grant, Beth, Euan Black and Neve
-Purple Highway Brandon, Sara and Kaitlin
-Scottish Lions Lauren, Mia and Ryan
-Scottish Golds Amy MacLachlan, Jack and Katia

This week we will be creating political party broadcasts using iMovie on the ipads and will show these to other classes. The other classes will then have a mini election and will vote for the party they think are the best.

Yesterday p7R and 7L had a visit from our MSP Keith Brown. We will be learning about the Scottish Parliament over the next few weeks so this was a good introduction to our topic. Keith told us a bit about the parliament and was happy to field any questions we had. The p7’s were keen to find out his views on the upcoming EU referendum and Scottish elections.



Numeracy in term 3

imageWe will be continuing with our tables challenge in term 3, each child has a target table and will be tested on this on a weekly basis. This will help to improve their mental agility and knowledge of tables in preparation for high school.
We will also continue looking at arithmetic sums to improve multiplication, division, addition and subtraction skills.
So far in term 3 we have looked at fractions and p7r have been working on how to find equivalent fractions, fractions of a quantity and how to simplify fractions. We will shortly be looking at decimals and percentages and looking at how we use these in real life contexts.

Space board games

In term 2, as part of our space topic, we created board games with a space theme. We made up rules and instructions on how to play the games then shared them with other children in the school. Here are some pictures of us sharing our games with other classes:





Literacy in term 3

This term we will be doing a novel study of Goodnight Mister Tom. As part of our novel study we will be working in groups to create news reports announcing the outbreak of World War 2. In the novel the main character Willie is evacuated to the countryside to escape the danger of being bombed in London. It is here that he hears Neville Chamberlain announcing that Britain has declared war on Germany after Germany refused to stop war with Poland.
We will also use the novel as a stimulus to write letters from Willie back to his mother in London and keep a diary of the events that happen in his life whilst being an evacuee.
In addition to this
•We will continue to extend the use of VCOP strategies to improve the quality of our writing across a variety of genres
•The class will use Book Detectives cards to take on the role of Word Finder, Summariser, Question Master or Illustrator to carry out comprehension work based on our class novel
•Continue to work on increasing our fluency and expression when reading aloud

P7r have been doing a lot of work on story openers and trying to create a ‘hook’ to catch the readers attention and encourage them to read the rest of their story. We have been looking at different ways to open stories and have been experimenting using nouns, adjectives, similies, metaphors, feelings, adverbs and connectives as openers.
Some examples of our openers will be uploaded on here.

Goodnight Mister Tom

Primary 7 have been reading Goodnight Mister Tom, by Michelle Magorian, in Literacy.

Goodnight Mister Tom is the story of young Willie Beech, evacuated to the country as Britain stands on the brink of the Second World War. A sad, deprived child, he slowly begins to flourish under the care of old Tom Oakley – but his new-found happiness is shattered by a summons from his mother back in London. As time goes by Tom begins to worry when Willie doesn’t answer his letters, so he goes to London to find him, and there makes a terrible discovery.
goodnight mister tom

Max in the Middle February 2016

Primary 7r will be having a visit from ‘Max in the Middle’ on week beginning Monday February the 15th. We require a parent volunteer to help on Tuesday 16th of February from 10.45-12.30 and Friday 19th February from 10-11.30. If you are available on these days to help could you please contact the school or send a note in with your child.