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This weeks Star Writers

We have been learning how to improve our writing by adding descriptive words and phrases to our work to make it more interesting to the reader.  We have started to include alliteration and similes to give extra detail and continue to build on WOW words.

Our task this week was to retell the story of the ‘The Snowman.’ Firstly we had to set the scene, introduce the main characters and decide what happens to the boy and the snowman.  The next day we peer-assessed our stories and shared with our partner what was good and how they could improve.

Here is some examples of the descriptions used in our writing this week:

The snowman was as high as a sky scraper. – Raegan

It looked like you were inside a snow globe.- Rosie

The energetic  boy frantically searched for his clothes so he could go and play in the snow. – Raegan

The snow fell hard and the wind blew wild.  -Evan

The snow was as deep as an ocean. – Hannah

The tree branches were as prickly as hedgehogs. – Jude

The snow was as thick as a mattress. – Rosie

Wonderful winter wonderland. – Raegan

The snowman had big black buttons. – Dylan

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We have been working on our mental agility, learning different strategies to solve number problems.  The class have also been playing countdown to help develop their pace and problem solving skills.

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