Primary 2M have settled back into school after the Christmas break.
Here is a little look at what we are going to be learning this term.
Through our topic about Scotland we will be learning about:
Scots dialect – we will be able to say some Scottish words, count in Scots and sing some Scottish songs.
The main visitor attractions of Scotland.
Where Scotland and Alloa are on a map.
The differences between mainland Scotland and island life using stories such as Katie Morag.
Core Skills learning focus:
Working with others to complete tasks.
Being confident individuals when performing in front of others.
Recording our ideas in different ways.
The children will be continuing to use our topic as a stimulus for writing activities.
The children will be extending their knowledge of sounds and learning that there may be more than 1 way to make a sound e.g. ee and ea, ou and ow.
Spelling will correspond with the sounds they have learned that week.
The children will continue to practise sentences beginning with a capital letter and ending in a full stop. As we develop writing skills we will begin to use V.C.O.P. and will learn how to extend sentences using Connectives. We will also be learning about adjectives and incorporating these into our writing.
When reading, we will continue to work on reading fluent with increased expression and accuracy.
The children will be learning about numbers to 100 and will understand the terms tens and units.
The children will be continually developing their skills in addition and subtraction.
The children will begin to learn about money and use addition and subtraction skills to work out how much something costs and how much change would be given.
We had a great time at our Yellow Wing Christmas party. All of the teachers were really impressed with our dancing. We played some games and had a party treat. Someone special also came along at the end. Can you guess who it was?
On Thursday 22nd October, P2M walked to Alloa Library with Mrs McCole to find out all about the fun things we can do if we join our local library.
We looked around the different areas of the library and did some of the activities. We all borrowed a book from the library but we had to take extra care of it. We also had to make sure that we didn’t lose it because they were taken out under Miss Maude’s library card!!
Thank you to Elise’s Mum and Farrah’s big cousin for helping us on our trip.
Primary 2M were set a challenge to make Mr Tall. We had to use our drawing , cutting and measuring skills. We also had to work as a team. Before we started we discussed things we would need to remember to do when working with others. We said that everyone had to take part, no one was to be like Mr Bossy, help others in your group if they need help and no arguing!
Please have a look at our photographsEvery group completed their challenge!
Miss Maude and Mrs Kennedy were very impressed with the way the children worked together. Everybody was very busy and helped each other throughout the task. We heard lots of encouragement and no arguing! Well done everybody!
Everyone in the Yellow Wing have been learning about Playing Pete. Playing Pete reminds us that we have the right to play. We also have responsibilities and so we have been working on some targets.
These are:
I can line up quietly and smartly
I can use safe hands and feet
I can share and wait my turn
I can be a good friend
I can be responsible
I can look after equipment
Please help us to achieve these targets and look out for certificates in school bags in the next few weeks.