May 2018

Learners’ Interest: Growing

Our learners at Menstrie Nursery have shown an interest in ‘growing’. We had caterpillars in Nursery which have now grown in to butterflies. Our learners have been busy bringing in baby photographs of themselves and have enjoyed ‘looking after’ the baby dolls in Nursery. We would like to extend their learning further by inviting any parent who has a baby and who would feel comfortable bringing their baby into Nursery to chat with our learners.

Nursery Outing

If you are a parent helper for our Nursery outing to Almond Valley on Friday 22nd June, could we ask that you join Miss McEwan in Nursery for a discussion relating to our risk assessment. We will all be reading and singing the risk assessment at this time and Miss McEwan will answer any questions which you may have.

Times and dates are as follows:

  • Tuesday 19th June at 2:30pm
  • Thursday 21st June at 11am



Our learners have been busy with transition to Primary One. They have been in to the playground for a visit with Buddies and staff, they have been to visit a Primary One classroom, they have all met their individual buddies and they have been to visit the Primary One area.


Sports Day

Our Sports Day will be taking place on Tuesday 5th June at 10:30am and on Thursday 7th June at 1:45pm in the school field. If your child attends both days then they are welcome to join in with both.


Teddy Bears Picnic

Our Teddy Bears Picnic will be taking place in Nursery on 26th June. All pre-school children are invited and we ask that they bring a bear with them (please put their name on the bear). The morning picnic will be 10am-11am and afternoon will be 1:30pm-2:30pm. An invitation will be sent home to pre-school children who do not attend on a Tuesday.



On Wednesday 27th June Gary Dunn, a magician will be in Nursery for both the morning and afternoon session. An invite to children who do not attend on this day has been sent home. We would like to thank the Gala Committee for paying for this for our learners.


Nursery Graduation

Our Nursery Graduation for our pre-school children will take place on Thursday 28th June at 1:45pm in the school hall. All pre-school children are invited to attend. There will be a Graduation Ceremony followed by some refreshments afterwards.


Dates for the Diary

  • Tuesday 5th June – Sports day morning session
  • Thursday 8th June – Sports day afternoon session
  • Friday 22nd June – Almond Valley
  • Tuesday 26th June – Teddy Bears Picnic
  • Wednesday 27th June – Gary Dunn Magician (AM/PM) Children who do not attend on a Wednesday will receive a session time which they can attend.
  • Thursday 28th June – Pre school graduation – 1:45pm
  • Friday 29th June – last day of term



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