My Dream Job


As part World of Work week we had lots of visitors into the class. We have had a plastic surgeon nurse who deals with many challenges every day for example burns. We had a GP in who shared her passion for her job  and showed us some of things she might do on her rounds around the community. Finally we had a Police officer in. She gave us lots of information about being a police officer and showed us how she can stay safe on the job while also helping to protect us all in the community. All the talks were really interesting and inspiring.

We all got thinking and here are P3E’s dream jobs at the moment.


Rowan – engineer – so I can build missiles

Ellsi – cafe worker – because I like to make things

Calvin – pirate – so you can sail a ship

Alex – care sales women – because I would like to choose what car I could have

Millie – popstar – because I always watch them and I practice lots of songs

Aaron – police man – so I can arrest the bad people

Amelia H – teacher – because I get to teacher little children who don’t know what to do

Emily – popstar – I because I like to sing and dance a lot

Logan M – dragon rider – because they can shoot fire balls

Jenni – Nurse – because my mums a nurse. I like how they help in operations

Amelia C – Teacher – So I could help people to learn

Cameron – truck driver – I could drive around places

Ruby – Rugby player – so I can score for my team

Logan Mc – Fire fighter – I like to hose down fire

Jake – shop keeper – its fun and trying to find the bar code on all the stuff

Lewis – policeman – so I can arrest people

Ben – Lego inventor – I like playing with Lego and making different stuff out of it

Kayla – Piano Teacher- I think it is really fun and I like playing the piano.

Zoe – Actor in the movies – I am really good at acting

Rebecca R – football player – I go to lessons and I think it is fun

Chloe – Vet – so I can help animals that are hurt

Kirsty – teacher – so kids will learn new stuff and that will be really nice.

Sam – Prison Guard -so I can guard the person

Cherie – childminder – I like to make sure children have lots of fun

Wallace – archaeologist – Then I can dig up dinosaur bones

Rebecca – tennis player – I like playing tennis and I think it is fun.

Nina – To work in a theatre – because the movie Sing inspired me.


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