
This week we have been learning about Autumn.  Yesterday we talked about what happens at Autumn time and what changes we see.  Today we went on a walk around the school to find different types of leaves.  Then we matched them up to find out what type of trees they were from.  We found lots of leaves of different sizes and found that they were from Sycamore and Birch trees.  After that we drew an Autumn picture on the netbooks.  Can you find other types of leaves on your walk to and from school or in your garden?



Coffee Evening

Today we made some cakes for the Coffee Evening tonight.  We had some help from P6 and P7 and we made some crispy cakes and top hats.  Please come along to Coffee Evening tonight from 7-8.30pm and buy some of our cakes.  They are dee-li-cious! 😀


This week we have been learning how to play dominoes. We decided to take the big dominoes out to the playground for a big game. It was lots of fun but then the wind blew them all over so we decided that we were all winners 😊