We have been learning about …

What a busy few weeks we have had! We are settling well into the class routines and have been busy earning lots of dojo points. So far Lucy C, Jessica, Finn, Romy and Lucy H have all been coupon winners. Ask us what we selected!

This week we started Read, Write, Inc again and are doing well in our groups. RWI takes place every morning except a Friday. Your child’s reading homework will be recorded/collected by the teacher they work with.  In numeracy we have been looking at numbers to 1000 which includes identifying numbers, ordering numbers and looking at more than and less than. We have been learning in both active and written ways. We have also been working in groups, with partners and independently during show me challenges with our mini whiteboards.

Our first big topic for P3 will be Under the Sea.  Pupils will use a range of resources to support their topic learning.  The film ‘Finding Dory’ will also be used as inspiration for our topic and pupils will use this story to not only learn about life under the sea but will learn about memory loss (links to dementia and alzheimers).

We have made an exciting start to our topic which is Under the Sea! Yesterday both Primary 3 classes engaged in an Expressive Arts afternoon. We started painting our plate aquariums and cutting out our felt sea creatures.  We are going to be using a range of materials (including glitter) to complete them later today.

Tomorrow will mark the first of our achievement assemblies so we are excited to see who our new star pupils are!

Here are some of our views.

Chloe – I enjoyed starting our topic.

Jessica – I enjoyed making the aquarium.

Harvey- I am enjoying maths. I like using the whiteboards.

Isla – I am enjoying maths.

Werner – I am enjoying everything so far!

Lucy C – I enjoyed designing a book cover for our class library.

Lucy H – I liked when we were learning about bigger numbers. Miss Aitken used the chunky pen and it was funny!

Emily – I liked designing and cutting out the felt sea creatures.

Alicia – I liked making the sea life aquariums.

Kyle – I like maths.

Romy – I enjoyed writing.

Sophie – I am enjoying Read, Write, Inc.

Jamie – I have enjoyed everything this week.

Elise – I enjoyed making the aquarium and when we used the chunky pen for writing large numbers.

Oliver – I enjoyed maths.

Faith – I have enjoyed writing.

Olivia – I liked the Read, Write, Inc lessons. I am in Miss Aitken’s group.

Eva – I liked starting Read, Write, Inc again.

Finn – I liked Read, Write, Inc.

Alexander – I enjoyed maths.



Our first week in Primary 3

I hope you all had an enjoyable summer break! We have had a super first few days in Primary 3 and have settled in well. We have been reading a book called “Only One You” which is all about trying your best and making the most out of situations. Here are some of our views so far.

Alicia – I liked making a birthday card.

Isla – I liked drawing our self portraits for the wall.

Elise – I have enjoyed everything.

Jessica – I liked playing new games.

Romy – I enjoyed all the crafts.

Lucy H – I had fun playing French twister.

Werner – I liked everything!

Kyle – I enjoyed playing games with the class.

Olivia – I liked playing French twister.

Eva – I liked making the portraits. I think I did a good job!

Emily – I liked playing French twister.

Ben – I have enjoyed everything.

Keep checking our blog for updates, pictures and information about our learning!

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