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P3A Class Assembly – Guid Mornin’

Today we performed in our class assembly! We had so much fun and we were so excited about it.

We presented an entertainment  show called “Guid Mornin” which was presented by our own Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield. We interviewed famous Scottish faces from the past and present, had showbiz specialists interviewing Scottish musicians, a cookery section with Gordon Ramsay, fashion experts and lots of singing and surprises. Afterwards parents/ carers were invited back to our classroom to sample some cheese/oatcakes and shortbread. Here are some pictures of our morning. Thanks to everyone for your positive and lovely comments in our visitors book. We loved reading them together! Miss Aitken is super proud of you all.



P3 Reflection

Here are some of our views about what we have been learning in class the past couple of weeks. Pictures will be added into this post.

Sophie – We learned about Scottish artists. We created our own Pop Art pictures of Irn – Bru cans.

Lucy H – I liked learning lines for our assembly. I am so excited about it!

Lennon – I have enjoyed learning more about division. I am getting quicker at it. I can use  remainders too.

Alicia – I enjoyed making the Pop Art pictures.

Ben F – I am enjoying maths because it is one of my favourite subjects.

Elise – I have enjoyed learning more about Scotland and practising for our assembly. It is fun!

Jessica – I like learning about Scotland.

Finn – I am excited to start our STEM topic after the February break.

Werner – I love science so I am looking forward to our transport and Forces topic.

Romy – I can multiply numbers by 2,3,4,5, and 10.

Our class assembly will take place on Wednesday 7th February at 11.00am. We look forward to seeing you there. Parents/ Carers will be invited back to class afterwards to see some of our fantastic work and sample some popular Scottish snacks!

Target Setting

What a busy start back in Primary 3! This week we have moved onto our subtraction topic in numeracy and will be looking at measurement later this week. We have set our literacy, numeracy and health and well being targets. We agreed to revisit and evaluate our targets in 4-5 weeks. However we will review and change our targets when necessary. We have been learning how to uplevel our sentences by partaking in a variety of VCOP learning opportunities. This includes active/ written tasks and using our daily writing jotters. This afternoon we will be introduced to our new mini topic!


Another productive and fun week in P3A!

In Numeracy we have been learning to:

Add a two-digit number and a multiple of ten.

Add a two-digit number and a teens number/ Add two digit numbers and a teens number, with bridging.

Add two digit numbers.

Add and subtract numbers using different strategies.

In Literacy we have been learning to:

Take on the role of book detectives. This week we have been Summarisers and Question Masters!

Redraft a recount for our Snapshot Jotters.

Discuss the meaning of different words and suggest alternative words.

Use interesting vocabulary in our stories.

Practise spelling high frequency/ red words.

Here are some of our views/ thoughts about this week:

Elise – Maths has been great fun! I can use different strategies.

Emily – I have enjoyed maths.

Isla – I liked redrafting my recount of Deep Sea World. I think I did a good job!

Jessica – I enjoyed making our tortoises.

Finn – I enjoyed completing my maths assessment because it made me think I have learned a lot.

Alicia – I have enjoyed Esio Trot. It is a really good book.

Oliver – I enjoyed being a book detective.

We are looking forward to the House Snowman beetle drive this afternoon. I wonder which house will win! Just a reminder that children are able to bring in Rudolph antlers/ Santa hats for our Christmas Concerts next week. Have a lovely weekend.

Esio Trot – Our new class novel

Read, Write, Inc classes will resume in January. Primary 3A will still be participating in daily speed sounds lessons and will engage in a variety of learning experiences surrounding our class novel “Esio Trot.” We have been developing our comprehension skills by answering a range of questions about the story so far. We are using our daily writing jotters to record our responses. Today we have adopted the role of illustrators to draw a part of the story. Here are our thoughts so far.

Chloe – Mr Hoppy was telling Mrs Silver what she needed to do to make our tortoise bigger. I drew a picture of Mr Hoppy passing the note to Mrs Silver’s balcony with a piece of string.

Jessica – I really like the book so far. It is interesting! I am looking forward to learning about the different book detective roles.

Alicia – Mrs Silver wants Alfie to grow a bit bigger as he only weighs the same size as a grapefruit.

Elise – I have enjoyed the story so far and I liked being an illustrator.

Eva – Tortoise language was very funny. I liked when Miss Aitken read it to the class.

Finn – I think tortoise language sounds funny!

Kyle – I think Mr Hoppy is going to trick Mrs Silver because he wants her to like him.


14.11.17 – Literacy Week

What a busy couple of weeks in Primary 3! This week is Literacy week which will last until Wednesday 22nd November. There are lots of exciting things happening in Menstrie Primary this week, particularly dress as a book character day which is on Friday. Your child should have brought home a note yesterday about the Primary 3 book fayre time visiting/ purchasing times and some additional information about our school trip. We are very excited about the trip to Deep Sea World this week.

There will be an optional literacy week homework wall handed out on Friday. It includes a checklist of book related activities that your child can explore. We will be undertaking lots of literacy inspired learning experiences in class so keep your eyes peeled for pictures on our blog! Here are our views on our learning.

Elise – I am really looking forward to Deep Sea World. The thing I want to see the most is a sea horse.

Chloe – I can add numbers onto 4d numbers now.

Alicia – I am looking forward to seeing a starfish.

Kyle – I am excited to see sharks.

Olivia – I am looking forward to seeing all the sea creatures.

Oliver – I am looking forward to seeing the stingrays.

Lennon – I am looking forward to seeing the seals.

Jessica – I can’t wait to see the sharks because the biggest shark is really wide!

Alexander – I can add numbers onto 3d/4d numbers.

Snap Shot Jotters

Today your child will come home with their snapshot jotter and a letter accompanying it. P3 are all very excited to share their learning with you and talk about what we have been doing in class. There is a feedback form at the back of the book and it would be fantastic to hear your views. Jotters need to be returned to school by Friday 2nd November.

Snapshot Week/ Under the Sea research


Primary have been busy researching 5 different animals that live under the sea. This involved watching clips,  listening to powerpoints and participating in class discussions about what we have learned. We also used the important skill of note taking in our IDL jotters. We will be redrafting our notes into sentences throughout this week. Today we started our information leaflets which will be coming home in our Snapshot jotters next week. We have been really enthusiastic about this topic!

Continue reading Snapshot Week/ Under the Sea research