We have enjoyed DYW week so far. We have been learning more about money and we have been calculating different amounts of change. Here are some of the things we have enjoyed this week.
Jessica – I liked writing about what I want to be when I grow up. I liked hearing what everyone else would like to be and why.
Eva – I liked writing questions for people with different jobs. I am excited to hear what they say.
Elise – I have enjoyed working with money. It was fun taking part in the group challenge.
Romy – I am looking forward to drama this afternoon. We are going to play drama games.
Isla – I liked hearing about the diferent roles and responsibilities of Ancient Egyptians.
Werner – I enjoyed designing the Egyptian necklace.
Alicia – I liked the necklace task.

Today Menstrie Primary are wearing yellow and raising money for Strathcarron hospice. Here is a picture of us this morning!
In pairs we read the non fiction text “All about mummies”. We took our books outside to the outdoor classroom. Next Miss Aitken read the book to us and we discussed the features of a non fiction text. We read it twice, once for enjoyment and twice for information! We looked at the index and discussed some of the meanings of different words.
Afterwards we had to complete a detective task which involved answering a series of questions and recording our answers. We had to think carefully and look for information in the text. We are going to display our work on our Ancient Egypt display (have a look when passing by!)
Today we were learning about fractions. In pairs we used hula hoops to draw circles in the playground. We drew four each and used chalk to colour in different fractions of each circle. We then had to swap with another pair and write the fraction underneath the circle. Afterwards we were given a series of problem solving questions from Miss Aitken about the pupils in the class. We had to organise ourselves into groups of 3, 4, 6 and 8 and some of the questions were quite silly/funny!
We are going to be playing a fraction game outside this afternoon using different coloured cones. We will post pictures!
We have been learning about Ancient Egypt and have been having a lot of fun making Tutankamun masks. Your homework is to carry out some research into Anicent Egypt. You can look at any aspect such as Houses, Food and Drink, Building the Pyramids, Clothing, Jewellery etc. You will then present this information to the class. You can use a Powerpoint, posters, books, pictures and any other props you wish to use. Your talk should last between 3-5 minutes. Remember to work on using the correct volume, pace and tone of voice when you are practising your talk at home.
After your interesting and successful Under the Sea talks I am excited to hear your presentations Primary 3!
Miss Aitken
Always Learning in All Ways